What a joy to announce the 50th Birthday of my dear Aunt Naomi - 25 April. Over the long weekend family and friends are celebrating her 50th Birthday.This is a mountain mark of a celebration as my aunt has survived the toughest of tough circumstances throughout her life. Hence the "Poppestrond" Award...
Now, this award, in our family, directly (loosely) translated, it means "Doll-Poop"... Now you are probably saying: What!? ...... In our family, if the going gets tough we help each other on by saying: Come, come, you'll get through this, you were not made from doll poop. and as you know, a doll has no poop, so...
What we're actually saying is: You're not made from Nothing, apply what you know is good and true and get on with it. This too shall pass!" Because Naomi has had it rough for a few years already. The award is hers until further notice ... She is a testimony of life, joy and perseverance which reminds one of the life of Job. Not as bad as Job! Poor Job didn't get any awards back then! But he sure did get a Full and Double Reward. Naomi is just an ordinary person, but her fight and her faith has carried her and God uses her life to touch the lives of others. What is the point of your life if no one can see The Great I am in it? If everything went perfect for you, would you call on God? ... This was Job's test also. The devil told God that he should
take away all that is precious to Job, would Job still serve God? I'm not talking about your car that was stolen or the big lady at the store that stepped on your foot. Have you lost Children? Your Husband? Your Health? Jesus is your Reward. He has paid in full and you are healed. Live by faith and not by sight.
I heard a very touching story on our local radio station about a mother who lost her son. He was born with a heart defect and died at the age of 2 or so...The mother explained how much this has changed her prayer life. She says she does not pray for perfect circumstances and perfect conditions anymore. She prays that she will rather become more and more aware of God's Presence throughout her life, throughout her circumstances.
Very Happy Happy Birthday to Naomi. You deserve a great, big Award. You're life has and will inspire many! And so say all of us! Enjoy the Mad Hatters Party and those who are there to share it with you!
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