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Wys tans plasings vanaf Julie, 2012

Waterproof Principle 22 - "Nothing is Enough"

"if you cling to your life you will lose it ; but if you GIVE UP your life for Me , you will find it."  Matthew 10:39 I have been thinking about the small things in my life, which when added together make up the big picture... the dream that dream that you have, when you reach the end of your days you can look back and say; "I'm so glad I was able to do it like this or like that. That's what I was going for! Now I have no regrets..." When the Big Picture doesn't quite play out, in frustration I start fighting the 'smalls of life' (situations, circumstances, relationships and the people) hoping it will build the dream... Sometimes our Dreams are really big. Reality compared to the situation we are in can seem unattainable. But our Father, who loves us, says: "Don't be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude (this big unattainable dream that you are fighting for), FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, but God...

Waterproof Principle 21 - "Poor Me, myself and I"

"Not Everything is about YOU..." "I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home.  I was naked and you didn't give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me." Matt.25:43 God turns events, trauma and unplanned and broken situations into great, healthy and whole ones if we follow Him (Romans 8:28 "God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the GOOD of those who LOVE GOD and are called according to His purpose for them.") In light of recent events; the loss of my friend RenĂ© and our recent visit to one of the poorest countries in the world, Mozambique, I realized that The 'let nothing go to waste' concept is even more applicable...makes more sense...We have eternity in our hearts. We are rich beyond thought. The God who created the universe, who created the tiny lady the same God who longs to have a personal relationship with you.      teeny, weeny, tiny, little you... I rem...