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Waterproof Principle 21 - "Poor Me, myself and I"

"Not Everything is about YOU..."

"I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home. 
I was naked and you didn't give me clothing. I was sick
and in prison, and you didn't visit me." Matt.25:43

God turns events, trauma and unplanned and broken situations into great, healthy and whole ones if we follow Him (Romans 8:28 "God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the GOOD of those who LOVE GOD and are called according to His purpose for them.")

In light of recent events; the loss of my friend René and our recent visit to one of the poorest countries in the world, Mozambique, I realized that The 'let nothing go to waste' concept is even more applicable...makes more sense...We have eternity in our hearts. We are rich beyond thought. The God who created the universe, who created the tiny lady the same God who longs to have a personal relationship with you.     
teeny, weeny, tiny, little you...

I remember before I became a Christian, I tried reading the bible once...
I think I read somewhere in Psalms: "Praise God, Mighty Powerful God...He is so wonderful" ect.
I remember thinking to myself...
This is stupid. I'm not reading this book. What is so great about Him?
He talks about himself the WHOLE TIME.

Only because I did not understand, at that time, what Jesus had done.
He has paid the full price for my sins.

Today I look back and realize how God and 
His Living Word has changed my thinking, the way I see Him.
This is a continual walk. We must be careful not to believe that we have 'arrived' in some way.

In Mozambique, when we drove through the villages, the children started running towards us screaming: "sweeties, sweeties!" many visitors and tourists give them sweets from their vehicle as these families are very poor and this is a big treat to them. They live in little shacks and their clothes are dirty, torn and old.
I thought to myself...I piece of candy would sure light up their day...for today..but what about tomorrow?

The Living Water and the Living Bread is the only One who will be able to carry these people through their physical challenges into His Kingdom. 
He is the only lasting, worthwhile gift we can bring to their country...
When we arrived back to South Africa, I was walking through the Grocery Shop and realized.
I'm walking around here, with a trolley, and the chilled music playing over the radio...taking my time, seeing what it is I need to buy for my much to choose from. Too much to choose from...
Sometimes not very happy with what I've got.

Not everything is about us. You don't have to travel to a poor country to see that. Just walk over to your neighbor. You might rent movies from the same person for the last 5 years and have never bothered to talk to that will be surprised how torn, poor, broken the richest person you know is.
All you need to do is Reach Out and Give what you've been Given.

With Love


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