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Waterproof Principle 26 - "Will the Real OAK pls STAND"

"The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, his servants, will start rebuilding this wall....."
Nehemiah 2:20

Welcome to the 26th Waterproof Principle. For those of you who are new to the blog I have been writing on and exploring 30 Waterproof, Basic Christian, Life Principles in Thankfulness to the Living God of the Bible, for my almost 30 years of life...(birthday coming up soon!). 

You don't have to be a Christian to appreciate or be changed by it - 
But in Light of the Truth unveiled to me and the miracles I have witnessed, I have made my choice and am allowing the Truth to change me. So what I'm actually saying is....'Welcome!'


When I was considering a quote to explain this principle, I thought of this famous one:
"If You Don't Stand For Anything You will Fall For Everything."
I don't know who the person is who said it, so of course I went to
 'google-it'...I then came accross the interesting fact 
that the person who quoted this wonderful quote... 

is not clear...

"Stand for something or you will fall for anything. 
Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground."
is to believed to have been said by Rosa Parks (Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (1913 - 2005, African American civil rights activist) but not as the originator of the quotation ... (there are about 2-5 people whom this quote might have originated from...???)read more on

Talk about irony...the guy who said it wasn't STANDING and now were all wondering....

Whenever I hear about 'the walls people build around themselves' it's a bad thing ...and that it is so wrong and you just need to be open and honest and let everyone in...
That is true, but not entirely.

Nehemiah was summoned to Rebuild the 
Broken Wall around Jerusalem.
"They said to me, Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great TROUBLE and DISGRACE. The Wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been destroyed by fire." Neh 1:3

When the Wall is up. The City is Protected. It is a Holy Wall.
And so are we as people protected when we live wisely.
Don't get me wrong...there are definitely unhealthy 'walls' keeping people in imprisoned, 
silent sufferings. People who need help and care to deal with real and painful life issues.
But I'm talking about the Healthy, Holy Wall.

For example; if you have a teenage daughter and she goes on a first wouldn't want her to kiss the boy on the first date right?...Parents want the best and only the best for their kids and will train and teach them accordingly. 

Most of us still remember clearly what it was like to be a teenager... 
and for those who don't remember......
maybe it's better that way ...hahahA : )

A kiss on a first date might lead to all kinds of regrets just because the timing wasn't right. The boy seems really nice on the first date and when she's already taken down her wall of protection around her heart, made herself vulnerable, his true colors show and you are left with an unnecessary broken teenage heart. a Breaking Heart in this life is inevitable! But it should happen at the right time, when she is strong enough to handle it and strong enough to rebuild her 'Holy Wall'.
You have to have stood first, to be able to give something of value...if you didn't STAND, you didn't appreciate. You didn't FIGHT for you don't know what you lost...

This is a special life principle God taught me through his Word and experiences I had in life...very close to my heart. Thank you Abba Father! More Reading/Study Psalm 127

much love



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