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Here we go!!!!! - Willie the Fudge Man

I have decided to take it a little further and meet 'the man on the street', doing interviews with different people in my community on the principle as discussed in Luke 16:10

Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones

Having in mind that the little boy who brought only 2 fish and 5 loaves brought enough for Jesus to feed THOUSANDS through his little contribution... I believe that God is saying; Why are you holding back? Is it because you think, by your own estimate and the negative influences and people around you... that you are inadequate? Give what you've got to God and He will make it MORE! He made you, He knows what for so you are free to take the first step, trusting Him.

So here goes...

My first interview was with a man on the street, on Zambezi drive (Sefako Makgato drive) in the Montana area. He has and will inspire many. His name is Willie and he sells Fudge! He always adds a little bible verse into this small bag of delight and says that the verses are his baking powder. He has had a challenging background, but made the choice to rise above and go beyond. In 1992 Willie was diagnosed with Parkinson's. During this time his wife took care of him, but she unfortunately passed away in 2001. After her death and also the loss of his job in the same year (declared unfit for work due to illness) hopeless...he turned to drugs (cocaine), alcohol and other dangerous habits as a means of coping.  During this time his 3 children were placed in foster care. He was an addict from 2001-2009 and was it not for concerned members and the church in this community who supported him to go to rehab (he was admitted 7 times ) and make some changes he would probably still be an addict or worse. 

After sobering up, in 2010, he had a very successful operation (DBS or Deep Brain Stimulation) releasing him from the severe symptoms of Parkinson's and also allowing him to care for himself. He started selling Fudge after a friend encouraged him to. He says that when he first started it was with very little, but with the community's support so far it has grown and allowed him to take care of himself. 

The Interview

1. After the traumatic events that took place in your life, what support was there for you?
"The Church, without question. They picked me up on Tuesday nights for support group. In spite of my bad habits they stopped by every week. I sometimes hid in the house when they came knocking because I was high....and yet they are still supporting me."

2. Was there a specific event that changed your mind and helped you make the choice to stop?
"Rehab was good for me, but it also taught me how to manipulate and lie to people to get my way...the reason I stopped was because of the Spirit of God communicating and connecting with me, convincing me to stop. It just happened, but it was also a process.

Many a time I said, I'm done with this addiction and I would come from Sunnyside and get rid of my pipes and things...only to pick the habit up 3 days later or so. There were a  lot of breaking points during this time."

3. Do you think God uses our broken pieces and traumatic events to draw us close to him?
"Yes I do believe that. I gave my heart to God as a child and I believe that when you give your heart to Him, you've given your heart to Him! You have your ups and downs and when you make the wrong choice you are still His child, but a disobedient one. He is still your Father."

4. Do you make the Fudge yourself?
"Yes, I make it myself. I started with little money and I have been doing it for 8 years. People ask me for the recipe and I say it is made with love and if you don't have the love, you don't have the fudge!"

5. And the Bible verses you've chosen to add to the Fudge?...
"It is my baking powder. I never sell the fudge without it. It is just not right because I am here to spread the message. It isn't for myself...I do make money, a good amount, the community looks after me. Do you know how many people come to me saying thank you for the verse? Not thank you for the fudge (laughs), thank you  for the verse I received. The verse plays its part. I don't add the verse to sell the fudge, but it is a bonus.
It spreads the Word. We must do it. The other day at my study group we discussed the matter of spreading the Word of God, not with a whole bible, but one verse at a time...All Glory to God."

6. How did this whole process influence your children?
"My children are fantastic. They have accepted and forgiven me and we love each other. I really dropped them at that time, but they have taken me back and we came through it. It is only God's work."

7.What advice would you give to someone struggling with illness or loss of a loved one?
"Jackpot! Keep holding on, keep holding on to God and have a support group. Even if you don't feel like going, go! Also, don't keep things inside, speak and let it out."

Thank you to Willie for sharing your life and fudge! with NasieInspirasie! Many people are concerned with positions. Naturally so, but God does not look at people like people looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart! He uses the little things and what SEEMS to be the 'little people' or positions to confound the wise. Never think yourself to be too low or of too little importance. You might be in the eyes of people! Forgive them, they don't know any better. In God's eyes you are great and with Him of greater value... in the light of that, what people think, is of no importance. Keep holding on!

Please support Willie by purchasing his FUDGE from his online store. Due to his health he is unable to sell his fudge on the street. Follow the link: WILLIE'S FUDGE

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#NationInspiration aims to inspire people to appreciate their 
uniqueness and to use their talents and gifts. 
“A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” 


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