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Wys tans plasings vanaf Oktober, 2013

The Book of Ruth - Rubbish to Flourish

Hello and Welcome dear readers,  a While ago I had a strong desire to go to the rubbish dump near our house and invite willing models along to be photographed in this smelly location! Initially the idea was: "No matter the circumstances, God can use it for your Good and for His Glory...He will give you Beauty for your Ashes". To be completely honest, I just went for it (took photographs randomly) and trusted God with the details of the message. What unfolded was an inspirational, sometimes overlooked, story of Ruth and Naomi in the Bible... Here we have a 4 chapter book in the bible, nestled in between the time of the Judges; Israel didn't have a king and "everyone did as they pleased".... and the Book of Samuel; with Kings in the making... So if the Old Testament were to be a song, the book of Ruth would be the intimate and soulful "Bridge" of that song :)...joining the verse and chorus, making it interesting and giving it meaning. ...