In Christ
My wish for everyone that will read this blog post is that they would receive a fresh perspective of what it means to be united with Abba Father.
The mystery that was hidden for ages or the meaning of life which is the so called fountain of youth or Eldorado (city of gold) has been discovered. The answer is… you and the entire cosmos is mystically united with God in Christ. You are loved and accepted just the way you are. Nothing that you can or can’t do can undo what Love made possible on a ‘tree’. Your thoughts, actions and feelings do not determine the answer and the answer is not determined by your efforts. The answer is and forever will be… available to all. You can stop searching for the purpose of life (whatever that may look like for you) for the mystery or ‘secret’ is that you don’t have to do anything to unite yourself with the Creator. The Creator did everything to unite Himself with humanity. Mankind is united with God. Grace is the beauty of the Gospel (Good news) and it is enough for every single person on planet earth. An unlimited amount of grace without the word ’but’ after it, is available to all of humanity. The word enough means all that you need and His grace is enough… it is eternally enough.
The mystery is the following… humanity is forever in Christ. You and I were in Christ when He was nailed to the cross, when He died and when He ascended to Heaven. Jesus died and ascended as man and as mankind. As Christ is, so are we. Christ is united with the Father and so are we. Separation from the Father is an illusion… feelings, thoughts and actions should not determine your intimacy with God. You and I are in Christ due to Christ and not due to ever-changing feelings, thoughts andyour inability or ability to perform. The illusion that you are distant from the One that created you in His image could very well be made up in your mind. Thoughts and feelings can never be relied on to prove truth. Truth is God’s heart towards humanity which is unspeakable joy, supernatural peace, unconditional love and hope. Jesus accomplished our salvation, perfection, abundant life and righteousness. The approval of the righteousness and level of intimacy of humanity was given through Jesus Christ and God declared this glorious truth when Jesus got baptized. Christ is who we are and Christ is our identity. Christ is God’s thoughts about us, thus we are perfect in Him. We were found in Christ before we were lost in Adam. God predestined you (before creation) to be holy in Christ.
The law is fulfilled in Jesus thus you have fulfilled that which you could never fulfill. Instead of trying to fulfill something that will always end up in condemnation, realize what Christ already did for humanity and rest in this glorious Truth. Rest in His unconditional love for humanity. Rest in the fact that there is no condemnation in Christ. It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Where the Spirit is there is freedom and Christ is in you, thus freedom dwells in you. You are not united due to prayers, altar calls, fasting, reading the ‘Word of God’ or numerous ‘church’ meetings / gatherings… you are united because of Christ. As good as the above mentioned disciplines are these things are not what define you. Unity or intimacy with the Trinity can’t be ‘achieved’. You and I were united with God before the ‘layout’ of the foundations of the earth was even thought of. The Gospel is a message of inclusion, not of exclusion and that is why the Gospel is outrageous to the strong willed and good news to the poor and broken hearted.
Excerpt out of Johan Rabie’s book;
An art admirer won’t add a few brush strokes to a Picasso masterpiece for it will decrease the value of the painting. If we strive to keep the law we are declaring what God declared a masterpiece, unworthy or not good enough. Be holy as God is holy is a statement or a declaration of our true state (nature) inChrist and not a reprimand or a commandment as one might think.
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