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Wys tans plasings vanaf Februarie, 2015

Onvoorwaardelike Liefde

NasieInspirasie se Onderhoud met Natie en Hester Du plessis op hul huweliksherdenking 2015. Hierdie twee kosbares is my skoonouers. Ek is baie dankbaar om hier ietsie klein te kan deel van hulle liefde vir mekaar in die tyd wat hulle saam is... 1.Hoe lank is julle getroud en hoe het julle ontmoet? "45 jaar vandag op 28 Feb. Ons ouers het saamgewerk by Checkers en ons het mekaar daar leer ken. Toe Natie my die eerste keer sien het hy aan sy neef gesê: "met daardie meisie gaan ek trou..." 2.Wat is jul verhouding se SterkPunte? "Dis eenvoudig, ons is albei lief vir die Here en daarom is ons bereid om vêr te gaan en te werk aan ons huwelik. Ons sin vir waardes is baie dieselfde. Die manier hoe ons grootgemaak is ook deur ons ouers was baie dieselfde en met sterk gesins-waardes." 3.Waaroor sit julle meeste vas?  "Ons het albei sterk persoonlikehede... om op een rigting te besluit kan uitdagend wees!" 4. Wat in julle mening het die meeste bygedra tot die kw...


2 Corinthians  3:18 And all of us, with unveiled face continue to behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another... Whose image do I reflect in the mirror? Now, last week, last year....? Am I even looking in the right mirror? Is my mirror a reflection of who I want to be, who people think I am? Or what I read in the Good book?  Mirrors don't really lie...but they can be manipulated. My mirror can be dirty, painted, warped and even fractured. The image it shows will then be distorted or unclear. My image of myself can easily be distorted by many influences either from within or from outside. Fact is, I can't really trust my own mirror and it seems at times I can't really trust my own eyes.  Most, if not, all the hard times, tight places and failures in my own life have had a lot to do with how I see myself as a reflection in the mirror of life and thi...

Travel Light 2015

NasieInspirasie is kicking off with fresh inspiration from a few new writers on our team. Visit us end of February 2015 Don't miss out. Be inspired! NasieInspirasie skop af met vars inspirasie van 'n paar nuwe skrywers op ons span. Kom Kuier einde Februarie 2015 Moet dit nie misloop nie! Inspirasie vir jou sak! LIKE NasieInspirasie op Facebook Volg iskra op twitter: iskra (@grensbreker)