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Wys tans plasings vanaf Mei, 2015

Keesta - Effektief saam Christa Fourie

1.Vertel ons asb bietjie meer van wat jou daaglikse werk behels asook die missie en visie daarvan?  A.g.v. my vorige ervaringe, het ek die begeerte ontwikkel om vreugde terug te bring in die werksplek. Mens spandeer die grootste deel van hulle lewe by die werk en daar is ongelooflike druk en miskommunikasie. Die Here het my gelei na ongelooflike mense en geleenthede om my voor te berei vir die taak. Dit het 3 jaar geneem om te formuleer wat dit is wat ek vir firmas kan bied om ‘n verskil te maak. So het Keesta ontstaan. Met behulp van die wonderlike vaardigheid van NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) en LAB Profiele (Language and Behaviour), kan ek tot die kern van die persoon dring, weet wat motiveer hulle, wat demotiveer hulle en in watter tipe pos en kultuur hy/sy die beste sal funksioneer. Dis my trots om mense te help ontdek wat hulle potensiaal is en hoe hulle ‘n groeiplan kan uitwerk om dit te bereik. Dis tot die firma se voordeel om eerstens die regte perso...

Bouwer Bosch

1. Hi Bouwer, welkom by NasieInspiraise! Dit is altyd lekker om te sien wanneer mense braaf is en opstaan vir die dinge en persone waarin hulle glo. Watter dinge en persone staan jy graag voor?   Ek staan vir liefde, dat almal maar eintlik die lewe “wing”. Niemand weet wat m ô re gaan gebeur nie maak nie saak in wie of wat jy glo nie. Dit maak ons almal vir my dieselfde. Ek is net so stukkend soos die sielkundige wat 'n PHD het, en ek en ate ï ste het net so baie onsekerhede soos 'n dominee van 'n gemeente met 50 000 lede.  Ek glo dat liefde wen, dat die lewe verander gaan word deur verhoudings en nie 'n klomp reëls en wette nie. Ek staan vir stukkende en verlore mense soos ek, wat soms opstaan en nie weet wat om met hul lewe te doen nie. Ek staan ook vir mense wat die lewe nie altyd so ernstig opneem nie, wat kan giggel oor “stupid” goed wat ek self aanvang en die foute wat ek maak.  2.Met tye word dit verdraai deur mense se persepsies en interpretasies. Hoe ...

Joshua na die Reën

1. Baie Welkom by NasieInspirasie! Ons doel hier is om mense te inspireer en te bemoedig.  Wat of wie inspireer jou?   Mense wat hul drome volg en lewe  vir die mense rondom hulle 2. As jy terugkyk oor jou Lewe, watter keuses wat jy gemaak het tot dusver is jy meeste oor Dankbaar?  Dat ek gekies het om te glo in alle tye, maklike en moeilike,  goed en sleg, lig en donker, daar kan wees vir n doel, as ek kies om Vader se hart te vertrou! 3. Waarvoor wil jy onthou word? Ek sal graag onthou wil word as 'n mens wat homself sou prysgee 4. Wie is in jou TOP 3 Suid Afrikaanse Kunstenaar of Band lys?  (Jou gunsteling) Mango Groove Elvis Blue Gangs of Ballet 5. Waarmee is Joshua na die Reën tans besig (iets om na uit te sien?)  Ek werk tans aan my nuwe album wat Februarie 2016 sal vrygestel word.....

Willie, the Fudge Man

Hi dear Readers, due to requests and interest, here is the interview with the Fudge Man again! Please follow the link:

French Toast Movie Review

It’s a typical Afrikaans romantic comedy about a young photographer Lisa (Lika Berning) who discovers that she has a sibling in France. She decides to travel to France to go and find him/her. Along the way she meets French chef Jean-Pierre (Thierry Ballarin) who agrees to help her to find her sibling if she takes photographs for his new cookbook. The movie was shot in South Africa and France. The international setting definitely sells the movie. I am a romantic by nature and enjoyed the beautiful scenes that were shot in Paris. Well done to the editing and photography team it brought out the beauty of Paris and I am sure that a lot of people were inspired to save so that they can see the City of Love after watching the movie. I must admit that the storyline was not developed and conveyed  properly and I felt left hanging with now clear idea about what really happened in  Lisa’s family history. When I walk out of a movie I want to feel that I understand the story but I w...

It is Written...

It is written, now it is finished (The line between the Law and Grace) According to international statistics there are more than 40 thousand different and separate Christian Denominations on planet earth today…Why? Your guess is probably as good as mine. It is interesting though that THE BODY of CHRIST can’t seem to just get along. Although, surely one would find many instances where Key personalities and even just the influences of ego has led to the establishment of more than a few new/different denominations there is also another perspective. Differencing Scriptural / Theological Interpretation and application. In other words: How we assimilate and apply the apparent fundamental link between the Law (Biblical as related by the Old Testament) and Grace (as revealed by the writers of the New Testament) – Please do excuse my gross over simplification as above but let’s just for the moment suspend all the million and one points of contention that have surfaced over the last 200...

Liefde is Tuis

As ek aan “liefde is tuis” dink, laat dit my dadelik aan nog mooi gesegdes dink soos “Home is where the heart is”, “there’s no place like home”, “home sweet home” Dis seker oor ons tuiste so ‘n spesiale plek is dat ons so baie gesegdes daaroor het. Dit laat my ook met ‘n glimlag dink aan die oomblik in die middag wat die hek oopkreun en my kindertjies een vir een agterdeur toe hardloop en skree “Pappa!”.  Liefde is tuis. Ons tuiste is die plek waar ons woon en leef en net kan wees en ontspan. Dis waar ons saam met ons geliefdes bly en dis waar ons die veiligste voel. Dis die plek waar ons onsself kan wees en onsself ontdek. Dis waar ons geliefd en spesiaal voel. Dis my gunsteling plek, my toevlug, my herlaaiplek. Maar soos elke eggenoot en ouer weet is liefde nie net al die lekker van die lewe nie. Liefde beteken ook die mense wat lief genoeg vir jou is om jou te help en lei om te groei. Die mense wat aan jou skaaf. Wat inbou en inspreek in jou menswees. Sommige sal sê dat hie...


Hi Everyone, meet Caelam, the coolest little dude this side of the city! This little champ has gone through allot and needs our help! Please read his story and support a fun filled evening with live entertainment in aid of this little guy! What's in it for You??? Isn't it better to give than to receive? You get to support Caelam!!! Soup and Sherry on arrival to warm you up Rocking out with the Band, Vintage Kings Living it up with afrikaans singer and songwriter, Albert de Wet Partying on with Dancers, Lizl and Mark Bruse Raffle and Silent Auction Kids Play area 2-year Caelam born with extreme hearing problems and "clubfeet". He has a very low muscle tone, so he is unable to walk. (The doctors actually told his parents he would never be able to walk, but nothing is impossible.) He has Scoliosis in his back, and needs a back brace that is custom made for him. He had five operations on his eyes, grommets 3 times in his ears, and 4 manip...