“Cake-a-phor” #4
A party without cake
is just a meeting.
-Julia Child –
I regard myself to be a pretty
organized person, my husband always jokes and says I don’t have OCD, I have CDO
(the letters have to be in alphabetical order as well ;-) ..... but despite my
organizational “skills” it feels as if I am forever looking for things. Items like keys, paperwork, missing socks,
tennis shoes or some toy at bedtime that one of my boys cannot possibly go
Following another search session the
other day I was thinking....imagine you were looking for something. Something/Someone
very important that you knew you needed to find. Imagine that before you start looking for
this very important thing, you are given a guarantee or a promise that if you
search for this, you WILL find it. Would
you look for it with more passion, drive and purpose? Would you ever give up looking?
A party without cake is just a
meeting and living without seeking God is a wasted life.
“If you seek him, He will be found by you”
Plaas 'n opmerking