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SA Maker

#NationInspiration caught up with SA Maker – Hugo van Schalkwyk. A True inspiration when it comes to making anything you can dream up, using just what you have!


Doing research regarding Makers, I found a rich, diverse world of creators. People who make stuff! What are MAKERS? Adweek describes this movement well:

“The maker movement, as we know, is the umbrella term for independent inventors, designers and tinkerers. Makers tap into an American admiration for self-reliance and combine that with open-source learning, contemporary design and powerful personal technology. The creations, born in cluttered local workshops and bedroom offices, stir the imaginations of consumers numbed by generic, mass-produced, made-in–China merchandise.”

Hugo van Schalkwyk is our very own South African Maker! An inspiring hands-on creator taking the youtube-world by storm with his passion. He is skilled in woodwork, sculpting, an artist, mechanical engineer, IT and programming. After years of study, and his sculpting projects not really taking off, Hugo decided that he would rather just do what he loved doing. TO MAKE STUFF. Programmer by day, Maker by night.

His first ever project was making a pair of SHOES which walked him through to a whole new world and way of thinking. It sharpened Hugo’s “maker-mentality”, forming the foundation of his craft. According to him a Maker is someone who does not necessarily mass produce to fit everyone’s needs, but rather someone who keeps the projects personal and as unique as the one making it. A mind to make the world your own and customizing it to fit your own needs.

Hugo soon found an online community of like-minded Makers where he also draws some inspiration from, Jimmy DiResta, Adam Savage and many others across the globe.

What advice would you give to someone who is passionate about making, but needs a little hope and guidance?

“Don’t focus on making money for your future, rather do what comes naturally and what you want or love to do! You can start with almost nothing and it will cost you next to nothing. Use junk and make stuff.”

How do you decide what you want to make?

I make things that I really want, but can’t always afford. I have made myself a camera, laptop, even guns. Various things out of junk and throw-away items. All dreams I have brought to life!

How can people see what you are up to?

Subscribe to my Youtube channel, SA-Maker ( I share all of my unique creations. Another Youtube channel is MAKING SA ( you’ll find other Maker members showcasing their skills. I also travel around Cape Town, this channel is TRAVELING SA on Youtube (

Facebook: SA-Maker or @SAmakerCAPETOWN
Instagram: SA Maker, Hugo van Schalkwyk

Here is the video where Hugo makes his Canon 70D Camera!
Making a Canon 70D, Follow the link:

Follow #NationInspiration
Instagram: @iskra_music
Twitter: @iskra

#NationInspiration aims to inspire people to appreciate their 
uniqueness and to use their talents and gifts. 
“A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” 


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