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Shotgun Fakes

Nationinspiration caught up with South African band, SHOTGUN FAKES. Hailing from Durban, they represent us across the globe. With a creatively infused and unique sound, their positive vibes are sure to set you ablaze with inspiration. Don't miss the chance to support them through their musical journey. 

1. Please tell our readers more about Shotgun Fakes?

We are Stef and Pamela Myburgh. We are married and that's actually how we got our name because we had known each other, worked together for 5 years odd, with my previous band, The Arrows. We fell in love, got engaged and married within 4 months! So it was a shotgun wedding of sorts, you could say! We play write, produce and perform our own original music together. 

2. You are traveling quite a bit at the moment. Tell us more about that?
Yes we are between London and Cape Town in terms of a home. But we have also traveled to the States this year which was an amazing surprise. We have been on a mission to finish a campaign that we started called '5' which is 5 songs, in 5 cities and so far we have released Amsterdam, Durban and London from that series... the last 2 to release have already been recorded and are Cape Town and Los Angeles. 

3. How would you describe the development of your 'sound' over the period you have spent involved with music?

We are an alternative pop sound or an Indie pop sound. This basically means to us that the songs are written in forms that follow the pop model of typical verse chorus structures, but the arrangements, melodies, lyrical content and productions are not as linear and are hopefully more creative than the usual top 40 sound. 

4. We aim to inspire the ones who have loads or little talent hidden away, those who feel a bit lost regarding purpose. What advice would you give a lost dreamer? 

I always answer this question with 2 basic principles ... if you are a singer you need to go for lessons. Too many South African singers don't put enough value on learning their instrument and it shows as you journey through music. If you are a singer, I also recommend learning how to play an instrument because these are tools that will help you. If you play guitar or piano or another instrument the same applies in terms of lessons but also practice. 
You have to put in the hard yards if you want to see any rewards.

5. What's your long term vision for the future regarding your music?
We just want to make the music that we are proud of, record it and perform it for people who like it. It's really not a very complicated plan! If we can do those 3 things and have the music sustain itself and us that would be amazing. 

6. What gets your creative juices flowing?

We love travelling, as you know, so that's a really important part to us when staying inspired and living a lifestyle of inspiration. We love listening to new music and new albums from artists that we love. We love going to concerts, which is one thing that's so great about London, how easy it is to see your favorite artists because EVERYONE passes through here.

7. Name a few Artists/Bands that you really love and enjoy?

Kimbra, Banks, Christine and the Queens, Lorde, Flume, Passion Pit, Oh Wonder, Lianne La Havas, Mafikizolo

8. A Favourite quote or verse that means something to you at the moment?

This truth was told to me by one of the most incredible guys in the music business, Benjy Mudie. He said, "Always be nice to people on the way because you are going to see them again on the way down" This is one of the lines I have hung onto and lived by in my life. 


Depression Intervention Music Video
Slow Motion Music Video
Out of the blue Music Video

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Twitter: @iskra

#NationInspiration aims to inspire people to appreciate their uniqueness and to use their talents and gifts. “A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” 


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