“Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you”
Crowded House
Every year around my birthday, I look at my life, what I have learnt and then I document it on this blog. So…here’s what stood out that I would like to celebrate and also work or focus on growing into, in the years to come.
In my quest to build and create a positive legacy, firstly in and outside my home, one that resonates into generations to come, it will be met with challenges…
· Not everyone will share your vision or support you in it
· Some people will judge you, when they really know nothing
(just like that guy, John Snow)
· Some people will criticize you
· Some people will make ‘soul-killing’ remarks disguised as jokes
· Some people will continually de-motivate you and bombard you with
‘negative news’
· Some poeple will gossip and discuss you behind your back instead of
talking to you
· Some people will project their pre-conceived ideas, hurt and issues onto you
· Some people won’t take the time to find out where you’re coming from, accept or understand your kind of weird
· Some people will love you this week and next week you are ‘niks’ (nothing)
· Not everyone has your best interests at heart wanting you to reach your full potential
· Some people will waste precious time being stubborn, withholding forgiveness and grace towards you
· Some people will completely misinterpret your words and have unresolved issues because of what you said
· Some people will try to control and manipulate you to make you ‘fit’ into their perfect. little. picture (too little)
· Some people will fail you
because we are some people.
people, not just some, are not perfect
Sometimes we fail ourselves
and each other in a few
or all of these areas.
I don't want to be on the “some people” list
I want to support and build people…not so easy when people you love and want to protect are involved, a time consuming, invested heart written off - one’s own hurt, but definitely a goal one can work towards
The only way I will really be changed is to continually spend time with Someone who is none of the things listed above. Someone who is not on the "Some People" list. Maybe this house is too ‘crowded’ after all with all the “some peoples” and how we allow them to affect our minds… It is more about our FOCUS then it is about WHO says WHAT… a Crowded mind...
· When I turn my heart and thoughts to Him, talk to Him, He gives and shares my vision, He supports me
· He doesn’t judge me, He knows my story, all of it (the bad stuff too!)
· He just builds me up and when He corrects, it is with love
· He speaks words that are wholesome to my entire being
· He will encourage me to keep going in faith even though I don’t see any results yet
· I will always leave feeling refreshed and motivated when I have spent time with Him
· Our words are private and I can trust Him with every. little. thing.
· He loves me and sees me for who I really am, who He made me to be
· His love remains constant through all the ups and downs of this life and the next, nothing can separate us
· He has only my best interests at heart and wants me to succeed in all areas
· He forgave me even before I had the chance to see what I did wrong
· He gets me
· He doesn’t want to control me like a puppet, but lovingly invites me to follow Him in a Love walk - and it won’t be a little picture when He is in it
· He never fails me, Love never fails.
God is the pleasant street weather, that I want to take everywhere with me.
I don't want to be on the “some people” list
I want to support and build people…not so easy when people you love and want to protect are involved, a time consuming, invested heart written off - one’s own hurt, but definitely a goal one can work towards
The only way I will really be changed is to continually spend time with Someone who is none of the things listed above. Someone who is not on the "Some People" list. Maybe this house is too ‘crowded’ after all with all the “some peoples” and how we allow them to affect our minds… It is more about our FOCUS then it is about WHO says WHAT… a Crowded mind...
· When I turn my heart and thoughts to Him, talk to Him, He gives and shares my vision, He supports me
· He doesn’t judge me, He knows my story, all of it (the bad stuff too!)
· He just builds me up and when He corrects, it is with love
· He speaks words that are wholesome to my entire being
· He will encourage me to keep going in faith even though I don’t see any results yet
· I will always leave feeling refreshed and motivated when I have spent time with Him
· Our words are private and I can trust Him with every. little. thing.
· He loves me and sees me for who I really am, who He made me to be
· His love remains constant through all the ups and downs of this life and the next, nothing can separate us
· He has only my best interests at heart and wants me to succeed in all areas
· He forgave me even before I had the chance to see what I did wrong
· He gets me
· He doesn’t want to control me like a puppet, but lovingly invites me to follow Him in a Love walk - and it won’t be a little picture when He is in it
· He never fails me, Love never fails.
God is the pleasant street weather, that I want to take everywhere with me.
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