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Waterproof Principle 37 - For The One

The Power of One

It feels like an alternate universe; staring into the mirror with twirly grey hairs crowning my head. I don't feel older, but more like a kid that has just become more professional at being a kid. Do we ever really grow up when there is so much growing to be done??? Looking back there were seasons where I held my breath and seasons where it felt like it was over and I was drowning, euphoric, joyous times and moments I will certainly treasure forever... (gosh....I know it almost sounds like I'm writing an obituary of sorts).

One of those moments was when I started this blog. I was at my lowest and me and my husband had just gone through a traumatic loss. I realized that I had so much burning inside me, things that I wanted to do creatively, but could not see it happening soon...I opened my computer one Saturday afternoon while my husband was catching up on his rugby and decided to just do this, whatever this was!

Writing comes pretty naturally so a blog it was. I created a much thought over list of principles and started writing on one principle every month until I got to my age... which was 30 back then (so 30 principles) I continued afterward with a principle each year after my birthday and decided that if one person read whatever I wrote on this blog, then I'd keep writing hoping to inspire that one person with whatever I had to give. I remember looking at the stats all surprised that someone in Russia just read my blog post... like I just came out of the middle ages or something. Really? It's pretty funny and ridiculous how impressed I was... anyway, this kept me writing. I got bored and started taking photos of interesting art; things that I was interested in and contacted people for interviews. When local celebrities and artists agreed to interviews, I really couldn't believe it. I'm really a nobody from nowhere just going about, curiously exploring. As I grew, it grew and pretty soon I'm sharing this blog with other awesome, likeminded people who create and inspire.

NationInspiration has become like a part of my body. Like that friend that says they'll just stay on the couch for one night, but then they end up moving in, eating your Marmite and cheese toasty and basically taking over. Sometimes too familiar and involved, so much so that healthy boundaries need to come into play, but through it all I truly have met some of the coolest people through it and it has allowed me to push myself and others to try things I wouldn't have if I didn't give fuel to the burning inside of me. It still does... I'm just in a new space and also not completely sure which way to go or how to do it, but this really, although abstract, is good news because it means that I'm growing; figuring it all out along the way - making mistakes, but also developing strengths and passions. During our Hiatus theme, I took a step back and was beautifully reminded to keep going and to carry on for the one. The one that is stuck in his dead-end job feeling all 'sleepvoet', the one contemplating his check out (and I am not talking about the hotel room), for the one who just needs a laugh at the lame jokes we share on our social media every Friday or the one that needs some form of support/recognition or encouragement. Sure I get side-tracked and bleed human, but I have been beautifully reminded this year to stop for the one because that one, refueled and encouraged, will stop for another and that one for another...A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. 

So this principle goes out to the one who was inspired and who also acted on it, the one who said yes and was willing to take a risk, the one who pitched up, partook, wrote, created, supported, corresponded, read, liked, gave, built, shared, referred to and followed - know that you have been instrumental in passing the flame of hope, lighting it up for that ONE who needs it. Thank you for being a part of this with a nobody like me. I am proof that God can take socially awkward weirdos and do just about anything. 

All my love
iskra #nasieinspirasie


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