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Adelle Nqeto - Home

Photographer: Sune van Tonder

Proud of Adelle Nqeto, a very special and talented South African artist now living in Germany. She released her inspiring EP (HOME) this year and we caught up with her to hear more about it. There will always be opportunities and seasons to grow when we choose to go beyond our comfort zones. This could mean leaving your physical home for a new one or replacing old ideas, beliefs for new ones #declutter

Home is where the heart is: your home will always be the place for which you feel the deepest affection NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE!

"Adelle Nqeto’s music stems from an introverted, curious, observer-heart, with a passion for melody as well as story-telling. Authenticity is an integral part of Adelle’s music, as she wears her heart on her sleeve, weaving melodies and lyrics to lure the listener in to sit and ponder on everyday life. Rooted in African folk, as well as exploring Jazz, Indie and Pop, she hopes to reveal the reality of simply being human and remind herself, and you- how enough, and perhaps even beautiful that really is." (- Adelle Nqeto Facebook)

1) Please tell our readers a bit more about yourself?

I’m Adelle Nqeto, a musician from the Eastern Cape (Umtata), but have lived in Pretoria most of my life. I now live in Berlin, Germany.

2) When did you start using your talent, singing and making music and when did you know for sure that this is what you wanted to do as a vocation?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. I started playing shows in 2012, I think? I’m not sure when I knew for sure that music would be my vocation. Music feels like the right thing to do for now, but there’s a lot of other things I’m interested in, so it probably won’t be my only vocation.

3) According to your Facebook account, you are quite a busy girl, representing South Africa in faraway countries? Tell us more about that?!! 
Since moving to Berlin, I’ve gotten to play in different cities/countries- Prague, cities in Germany, I recently did a tour of Italy, and also got to spend a week in Bahrain.

4) What South African foods do you miss most?
Mostly my mom’s cooking. And Chutney Chips. 

Photographer: Sune van Tonder

5) Our theme at the moment is Decluttering. How important is it to you to live a simple life?
It’s quite important to me. I try to travel light as much as I can, and also live simply. I think my mind is quite busy most of the time, so not having too many things attached to me is important. Too much stuff stresses me out.

6)  Are you planning anything new at the moment?
I’m taking time out to write and pre-produce some new material. I’m not exactly sure what it’ll sound like yet- I think I’ve changed quite a lot in the last year, so I’m giving myself time to settle into a new country, process that, and experiment with some new sounds.

7) Which South African artists/music inspires you?
Hmm, there’s a few! Manthe Ribane, Nonku Phiri, Beatenberg, Msaki. And then obviously Hugh Masekela, Madala Kunene.

8) Any advice for fellow/upcoming artists?
Tough question. Take time to explore your artistry and figure out what you value in life. What kind of life do you want to live? Then, think about what and how you want to use your art. Keep coming back to those values.

9) What hobbies do you have?
The usual, spending time with friends, watching movies, seeing live music, reading, writing, cooking/baking.

10) What is the story behind your title track ‘Home’?
I wrote it thinking about family holidays in Port st. John’s when I was a kid, my family, South African sunsets and all the things you miss when you’re not at home. 

Adelle's EP(Cover) "HOME" Available on Digital Platforms

11) When are you coming home?
I feel like where I am right now is home.

12)  What special quote or message are you currently appreciating in the season you are at?
Oh, this is a difficult question. It’s very hard to pick one message. At the moment, I guess I’m thinking a lot about the goodness of momentum, and change.

Support Adelle by:
Liking her page on Facebook: Adelle Nqeto
Apple Music: LISTEN HERE
Home Bahrain Studio Session: WATCH HERE

Interview done by: iskra
Editing done by: Mary Quite Contrary

a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire #nationinspiration


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