This Life Principle was embedded into me by a close friend.
Always so careful, always watchful and on guard...
"Guard your heart with all diligence;
for out of it are the issues of life."
Prov 4:23
Mat 7:6 "Do not give what is holy to dogs---they will only turn and attack you.
Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs---they will only trample them underfoot.
You cannot share what is sacred with
a people who have no understanding of it.
You might as well allow your 5 year old to drive your car...
It's a sure crash, the only question is when.
Want to test a new relationship?
Share a small, not so important, secret and see how
far you can trust the one you have entrusted it with.
Whoever is faithful in small matters
will be faithful in large ones;
whoever is dishonest in small matters
will be dishonest in large ones.
Luk 16:10
This is a very special lesson that I received
and I Praise God for this Truth.
Have you a story to share? Testimony? Comment?
Feel Free!
Much Love
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