"You have heard that it was said,
'Love your friends, hate your enemies.'
But now I tell you: love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you,
so that you may become the
children of your Father in heaven.
For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike,
and gives rain to those who
do good and to those who do evil.
Why should God reward you
if you love only the people who love you?
Even the tax collectors do that!
And if you speak only to your friends,
have you done anything out of the ordinary?
Even the pagans do that!
You must be perfect---
just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:43-48
Hi and welcome to the 8th Principle shared as a celebration to my 30 Years of life.
It sure is easy to love some people...
You share the same interests, same belief systems ...
But what about those people who kinive, plot, gossip and
laugh behind your back? Who can't wait to step on you
or watch you take a fall?
I know a few people like that. To be honest the last thing I FEEL like
doing is praying for them. I'd rather ship them off to POFADDER or PRIESKA
along with all South African Mini-Bus Taxi Drivers.
But Faith goes far beyond FEELINGS!
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you instead of your FEELINGS.
The light of God's love will shine through you when you
go beyond the borders of the customs and patterns of this world.
Except for all Mini-Bus Taxi Drivers...there is one particular person
in my life....no, it is not my mother-in-law..., who really is very
challenging to love. I've decided to pray for and bless
this person regardless of how I feel...
and for this person will have a
Damascus experience with the Almighty God.
Through our faith prayers, God can move
mountains through us and
'behind every face is a soul who needs Jesus'
You might be that spark who starts the consuming fire of God in their lives!
Take a moment and pray, FORGIVE that person or people in your life
who has made your life difficult.
Those people who hurt you, betrayed you and
suck their knives deep into your back...
They urgently require the light and love of God
to set them free. You can be an instrument of His Peace
By treating them with love and respect and by praying for them.
Love and Peace to all xxx
P.S ..... Especially to those Mini-Bus Taxi Drivers! GOD BLESS YOU!
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