JARED KOHN is an artisit from the Garden Route. Through his work he shares his passion for the outdoors, his family, living a simple yet meaningful life. Find out what inspires him and the tough choices he had to make. Dreams remain asleep without our leaps of faith. 1. Please tell us more about yourself and how you discovered your passion for art and to create. My name is Jared Kohn. In school I did art as a subject, which included Graphic Design and a bit of painting and then when I left school I studied Architecture which is kind of a combination of practical, design and obviously creativity as well with color, form, texture ect. I worked as an Architect for about eight years. I really loved designing buildings and designing space and it’s interaction with people, but I didn’t enjoy the industry very much. It’s quite a difficult industry to be in and I think my personality just didn’t gel well with it. The company in which I worked didn’t really allow me to expres...