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Capital Singers

1 Shared dream + 2 cups of coffee = 3 good reasons to join the next Capital Singers!

Christo Burger "had a dream, a song to sing" for a community choir. His dream was to make it easy and accessible to people who love singing, but couldn't commit to weekly rehearsals year round. He took Michael Barrett for coffee. Michael Barrett and Christo are both choir heads and both boast an impressive build-up of accomplishments from small beginnings.

           Michael Barret

Christo Burger

Let's not despise the days of small beginnings!

What started off as a dream and a small choir 5 years ago, exploded this year to 1000 voices filling the Sun arena at Time Square in Menlyn and making the "earth move under your feet" with the "Rewind 70's & 80's" show. These two masterful choirmasters loved every moment of this experience and this tangible love and passion for singing is what makes people come back for more! Both the choir and the audience. It is inspiration at its best, not to mention heavily contagious and addictive. The talented Ian von Memerty and Janine Neethling completed the picture behind the scenes with their vital contributions as Creative Director and Music Director.


Every Capital Singers has a cast of impressive celebrity singers. People we can admire for their talent and learn from their stories. No two stories are the same but all started small.

Erin Beck's small beginning was literally that she started when she was little, at the tender age of 7, with vocal coaching and now she has a massive presence on stage while being a petite girl of 15. You can't help but erupt in goosebumps and nearly cry when she belts her perfect pitch, high notes. 

Erin Beck

Elvis Blue had a small beginning as music teacher before winning Idols in 2010. He has gone higher and higher, from strength to strength and deeper and deeper into our hearts with every song that easily hits home, like his latest single "Jou huis". His songs had every girl in the arena staring at him, glittery eyed and smiling. (The guys were all wishing they were him).

Elvis Blue

Starting out, Joseph Clark didn't have formal vocal coaching. He started his career in ballet and moved over to musical theater. (Read his biography here:  Joseph made an already special song even more personal when he dedicated the song "The show must go on" to his brother who recently passed away. He does an amazing Queen cover. It felt like Freddy was right there in the room, but with Joseph's own authentic "all-in" feeling added. He has his own Queen show in July at 'Kerk sonder Mure'.

Joseph Clark

Vicky Sampson had an African dream in 1995. Her rendition of this classic, proudly South African, legendary song inspired us all to revisit the African dream in our hearts. She amazingly rewrote the second verse in Afrikaans, especially for Capital Singers, and also masterfully sings Whitney Houston and Gloria Gaynor. She is an inspiration to artists to keep on improving and reinventing themselves.

Vicky Sampson

Capital Singers is many a singer's small beginning. To be part of something so spectacular for the love of corporate singing...  Audiences joining in and singing along makes it all the more fun. Fostering untold dreams in their hearts. 

Stop dragging your feet! Let Capital Singers inspire you as it has inspired me to make that call, have that coffee and start today to make your dreams a reality! Partner with like-minded people who share your passion, make it happen.

Join in by supporting the next amazing Capital Singers, Iconic:

Melissa, over and out!

sleepvoet dromer #vatvlam


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