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Klein Vonke vir 'n Sleepvoet Dromer

foto: Zara Walker /unsplash Toe ek klein was het ek van my musiek 'tapes'; Kylie Minogue, George Michael, Queen...., gestop en ge'play' na elke sinnetjie sodat ek presies kon hoor wat die kunstenaar sê. Ek het dit dan ook neergeskryf... hoekom weet ek nie, want al die lirieke het gewoonlik saam die 'tape'-kassie se omslag gekom...maar nouja. Kylie Minogue en al daardie jare se musiek het later verander na Counting Crows, Cranberries, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Skunk Anansi en hopeloos te veel Tori Amos soos ek groter geword het.  Musiek en woorde het my veilige plek geword waar ek kon asem skep, hoor en voel hoe ander hulself uitleef en ook formuleer hoe ek voel en hoe ek myself wil uitleef.  Skryf en sing het heelwat natuurlik gekom. My pa het gedig toe hy jonger was en my boetie (wie ek die Skim noem) het die skryfbol aan die rol gesit, hy het my geinspireer. As sy kleinste, nuuskierigste sussie het ek altyd 'n punt gemaak om sy kamer in ons huis op...
Onlangse plasings

We^Can be the difference. Saam kan ons 'n verskil maak.

Mediaverklaring: “We^Can” verlig nood van Laerskool Kameeldrift en omliggende gemeenskap   2 Junie  2020   Vir onmiddelike vrystelling     We^Can is ’n organisasie wat ’n dag voor die aanvang van die Covid-19 grendelstaattydperk in Suid-Afrika afgeskop het. Hierdie organisasie maak dit moontlik vir passievolle Suid-Afrikaners om binne hulle finansiële vermoë en op ’n maklike manier deel te raak, om sodoende ’n impak te maak en uitdagings van behoeftige gemeenskappe op die lang duur aan te spreek.   Sedert die aanlynplatform 8 weke gelede geskep is, het die We^Can gemeenskap reeds daarin geslaag om 45 667 kg se kos in te samel deur 31 afsonderlike projekte wat reeds suksesvol afgehandel is. Die meer as 45 ton kos kon ongeveer 170 000 etes aan die onderskeie We^Can begunstigdes in Gauteng en Limpopo voorsien.   Die verlengde grendelstaattydperk het egter tot gevolg dat die getal hulpbehoewendes by die dag steeds bly toeneem.   Laerskool Ka...

Oor Regte en Pynappels

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash Otto Koning en sy vrou Carol is baie jare gelede na  Papua New Guinea  gestuur om as sendelinge onder die inboorlinge (kannibale) te gaan werk. Hy vertel dat die mense daar onsettend skelm en onbetroubaar was, of soos hy hulle genoem het "chroniese diewe."  Hy onthou eenkeer wat 'n dame van die dorpie waar hulle gewoon het, daar gestaan het met haar selfgemaakte hangertjie aan en aan die onderkant van hierdie hangertjie het hy hulle enigste blikoopmaker gesien hang wat sy uit hulle kombuis gesteel het... Hy vertel hoe bly hulle was om dit uiteindelik terug te kon kry. Sy vrou was 'n verpleegster en het dit natuurlik goed gesteriliseer toe hulle dit wel terugkry. Die destydse doekspelde wat sy vrou vir die gemeenskap se babatjies saamgebring het, was ook gesteel en deur die stamvroue as oorbelle gedra. Hy glo dat God hom daarheen gestuur het, om tussen hierdie skelm mense te gaan woon en vertel ook dat hy 'n baie spesiale ...

The Light Pokers

So many opinions and views regarding these uncertain times that we live in. There is a chorus of voices that will drive you mad if you tune into them, telling you it’s the end of the world… So don’t listen…  The human race is trying to wrap their heads around the fact that the whole world came to a standstill due to a tiny thing called COVID19 virus that we can’t even see with our eyes….. I have always been a square peg in a round hole. I have always had to think outside the box. Life is just like that for me. That combined with a very positive mindset believing that the glass is not half full or half empty but that it is refillable. So if you have time please read my musings about life and 2020 into infinity…. ‘When I was little and would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me: “Look to the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Fred Rogers I call these people " Light Pokers" . When the world is under a dark blanket of fear, d...

Covid 19 - Poem by Hakkiesdraad Hartman

photo: Claudia Fonte You could feel the energy as high spirits and fireworks ushered in a new decade the 21st century has never looked this great 2020 was welcomed with open arms embraced with hugs, kisses, best wishes,  handshakes  and the promise of an abundant tomorrow  but then without warning the sorrow struck  like zombies in a horror movie ons bestaan bedreig deur 'n siekte tot lewe gekom innie vorm vanne virus volgens verslae ontstaan in China gekom soos 'n dief in die nag die wêreld op hol gejag  vryheid verpletter... die covid wetter het mensdom agter slot en grendel...yoh!!! ooh etter, hies nou 'n ding, verdeksels ek soek uitkom kans...lockdown se dinges ma jinne, jinne, jinne... President Ramaphosa het gesê hou jou linne binne so die volle nommer is whatsapp, facebook en skype maar met vrinne... vir ons veiligheid issie beginsel mistertjie hierie kopseer se disprin social distancing jarre corona 'n bliksem...  salute aanie e...

Hakkiesdraad Hartman - Woestyn Blom

photo: Wolfgang Hasselmann The People's DNA was invited by one of our well-known local artists, Hakkiesdraad Hartman, to attend the screening of his music video “Woestyn Blom”.  We were fortunate enough to have an interview with the leading artist and one of the videographers, EgoNege, to gain more insight around the making and behind the scene of the music video. Here is just a preview of how the night played out, from the audience, to the interview and then the screening of  “Woestyn Blom”.   As the guests were arriving to attend the event, there was an attitude of anticipation lingering in the venue.  Was it for the fact that we did not know what to expect from the music video? Or perhaps the fact that we all knew exactly what to expect from Hakkiesdraad Hartman, as he is a well-known and respected artist in the community of Pacaltsdorp.  The guests were seated and ready to engage in the interview that was held with Hakkiesdraad Hartman and E...

Worshipping Together Is More Than Just Singing

Photo by  Cherry Laithang  on  Unsplash Here is how I see it: worshipping on your own is great and something I do daily but worshipping with a room full of people is just different. Corporate worship is about connection. Connection with each other and also a deeper connection with God. Corporate worship is coming together and worshipping together at the same time. It is powerful. The word corporate makes it sound so formal. It is actually more a collective coming together of a community. So for the remainder of this article, I will call it collective worship. Worshipping in the church is people coming together. It is your friend from school, the one who took part in Idols and your grandma's sister Ruth, she turned 89 last month and wants everyone to know she still hits her high notes. They sing together every Sunday, and the paint doesn’t peel off the walls. WHY? They are worshipping collectively. That’s why. Collective worship is powerful. Alone ...