the 30 life Principles is where it all really began for Nasieinspirasie (afrikaans: inspiration for the nation). it was the year of my 30th birthday and I celebrate I would share the life lessons and cuts I experienced thus far... these principles are so precious to me as I believe it not only builds us (through God's Word and God's Spirit), but it PROTECTS us (our hearts) from the nagging, unnecessary leaks of life. Hence the name; WATERPROOF Principles. After the Principles were completed, I did not want to stop writing and thought I would start interviewing people... My first ever interview is one I will never forget and that was the interview with Willie, The Fudge Man. He has been selling his Fudge at the traffic light/road in our neighbourhood. Each bag he sells has a printed bible verse included with the fudge which he says is his baking powder... He really had an inspiring story and I felt greatly encouraged to share and keep sharing other people's sto...