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Stefan Kunz

I discovered Stefan Kunz creatively lettering his way through Instagram. The power of words is not just a spiritual thing, but a creative medium and a scientific fact. We can break or build with words. Stefan has chosen to build creatively. 

1. Welcome to NationInspiration Stefan. Please tell our readers more about yourself?
My Name is Stefan Kunz, 25, I’m a full time artist since 2015 and mostly do lettering but also photography. At the moment, I live in Zürich, Switzerland. 

2. How did your love for Lettering start?

It was a natural progression, from one medium to the next. I started doing more quote designs on my iphone and at some point, I couldn’t improve anymore because I was bound to the fonts and functions of the app. So I started to draw it myself. Looked terrible. I worked hard to improve until I was somehow happy to share it on social media. Back then it was around 3-4k but still meant the world, what I share and present, still does. That started in 2014

3. What inspires you?
I see a lot of great things everywhere. It’s hard to narrow it down. Of course, on a platform like Pinterest or Instagram, you’ll find lots of inspiration, but just walking outside, either nature or in a city. Look at what is around you and observe people, objects, don’t associate them with anything. 

That’s how I recently walked around a youth conference in Germany, where I was invited to talk about how to live creatively. I saw a basket filled with water and sponges, they were there to wash dishes. But in that moment I realized how cool it would be to use it as a water battle instead with balloons filled with water, using sponges soaked in water. But that's all just remixing what we see, with what we think of. Nothing of that is new. That’s where I believe that God makes a huge difference. 

He has given us a helper, the Holy Spirit, who inspires us. Equips us. 

"“See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts." Exodus 31:2-5

4. Do you have a story to share about Lettering that you have done for someone? Something special you won’t forget?
I went to a barber shop in LA, to get a haircut. I was sitting in the chair staring at a sign outside that was messed up by the rain and it looked terrible. After I paid, I asked who was in charge and if I could redo it. She asked if I had experience and how much it would cost. I just replied that I could not take it any longer and would just do it for free. They gave me their markers, trusted me, and were really happy with the result. At the end, the store manager asked if I had an Instagram account. Sure enough, he already followed me. That was priceless. 

5. We aim to inspire the hopeless dreamers out there. Especially those who have hidden talents and gifts. What would you say to a hopeless dreamer to inspire him or her to get moving?
You will always find someone who is better than you, someone with more talent but you can always be someone who pushes further, who tries new things and just works hard, practices a lot. 

I feel that people forget how important practice is. We are not just born with a pen in our hand, but it is a journey to get there. Learn how to, teach yourself, don’t make yourself dependent on anyone. If you don’t have someone to coach, teach or mentor you, don’t just wait, do it yourself. 

I have an amazing brother who pushed me and kinda mentored me, but at some point he stopped, saying, "you have got to find your own answers, learn how to google things, how to learn it without me."

You can do it, because I believe that God made you exactly the way you are. He did not forget anything, therefore you have everything you need. I have a hard time to accept it, but it helps me to relax and know, I have everything I need.

6. What other things are you passionate about?
Photography for one, but also, I looooove coffee. I am a real snob when it comes to good coffee. I do my own latte art, actually I have been doing this longer than lettering. I love the coffee scene in Capetown, which is why this city has become a special place to me.

7. How can South Africans connect with you or get involved with what you are doing?
First of all, the easiest way is to follow my lettering journey on Instagram. You can always send me a direct message or an email. But I love to teach and have released a book on how to get started with lettering. By July a second online class will be available. I love teaching and doing murals as well as travelling… like who doesn’t. I’m lucky enough to call it my job. I love how people get in touch and want to work with me. That’s how most of my jobs happened. 

8. A Special Quote or verse that inspires you at the moment?
I’m trying to read a lot, so I get great inspiration for what I want to write about. That’s what you will find on my INSTAGRAM

Follow #NationInspiration
Instagram: @iskra_music
Twitter: @iskra

#NationInspiration aims to inspire people to appreciate their 
uniqueness and to use their talents and gifts. 
“A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” 


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