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Khumbula : I Will Remember - a Jacques Gombault film

NasieInspirasie was invited to the premiere of the new Jacques Gombault film, Khumbula. a New South African film with a very special message. Before the movie started Jacques gave a short testimony of how it all came about (also read Jacques Gombault interview)
We were also introduced to Cross-Kine (a cause to support! More on that later) and Frans Cronjé was then given a chance to share more about his part in this process. 

Right from the start, the connected hearts were almost tangible. These people are not just a group of people with a vision, but they have grown into a family with a vision.


The story is about a boy whose father trains him in the art of survival. 
Later in his life, when on an adventure camp, with two of his friends, 
they are captured by rhino poachers and all these skills that his father 
has taught him, keeps him going.

The Keyplayers, James – the Father (Frans Cronjé) and Jamie 
(Manie Kohn), his son, also did a great job, playing their parts 
convincingly. James then sets out to save his son, while at the same 
time having to win back the love of his life, his ex-wife, "Molly" 
(played by Suzi Rochford-Botha : a new talent to keep your eye on). 


It is very evident that the writer of this film cherishes this message deeply, as it comes across clearly and skilfully. It is a thoughtful film and 
certainly a good starting point for uplifting discussion.
In essence, this movie is a ministry tool and should be used as such. We are surrounded with, and many of us also are, people who are
fatherless. This movie portrays the perfect Father heart of God through a broken man. 
a Divorced, heartbroken and imperfect person. 
How perfect is that? The full Father Heart of God will meet us in the middle. 
Lovingly. This makes the movie a worth-watch. Its message is the winner and I would recommend it to family audiences, especially churches, 
also home group entertainment with the goal of discussion and spiritual growth.

a big thanks to all for the warm welcome at the premiere. 
a Special thank-you to Suzi Rochford-Botha for inviting our team.

More about Cross Kine, follow the link.
find a Cross Kine Theatre near you:

Be blessed, be inspired!

Jacques Gombault - The Interview

1. Hi there Jacques! Please tell us more about the Movie, Khumbula, that will be released soon?
 a 12 year old boy, Jamie, goes on an adventure camp with his friends Peter and David. There the get into trouble by first missing the bus and then getting captured by game poachers. Jamie, however, tells his friends that they needn't worry because he knows his dad will come and save them.
Jamie outwits the poachers and soon finds himself alone in the bush and being tracked by the dangerous poachers. Jamie, however, overcome every problem he faces by recalling/remembering what his father taught him.

Which is exactly what we as children of God must do - "If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land." (Isaia 1:19)

2. What inspired the story?
 ln 2005 I sat next to famous child evangelist in church when he shared a real story with me. Somewhere in Europe a young boy got in to trouble with his friends when he told them with total confidance: "Don't worry, my Dad will come and get us."
I got goose bumps all over. That testimony was the inspiration to the afrikaans version of the film shot in 2007. You have to appreciate that when I shot it I didn't even have a script. Just this idea and the talent of the young children I trained in my acting workshops - and ofcourse my camera man, Martin Nagel. In the end this film became a pilot to the film "Khumbula-I will remember" shot seven years lateron a R 2,6 million budget - and to think that we just won a silver award in America out of 72 other films. Praise God!

3. Which type of audience, in your opinion, will it appeal to?
Firstly fathers and sons, but since we all have a heavenly father it is safe to say that woman and girls will also be able to sympathize with the characters.

4. Any amazing stories/experiences, while shooting the film, that you would like to share?

I want to start earlier. I was in grade 7 in a little primary school on the outskirts of Pta , when one day they announced that a film crew were coming to my school to shoot part of a film at my school. To top it, a boy or two will be able to play in this film - l desperately wanted to be that boy! But how?
I knew I had to pray- with everything in my heart. But only the popular children got to be in that film - or so I thought. Well 9 years ago I shot parts of my own film at exactly the same school and "Khumbula - I will remember" is a re-make of that film and the school scenes were shot at exactly the same school.
That is just the nut-shell of the testimony that God did in my life with this film.

5. Here on NasieInspirasie we celebrate passion! What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about God, if you hear the whole testimony you will understand. I'm also passionate about training actors and extremely passionate about film making.

6. What’s next for you? Any new films/projects you are (or will) be involved in soon?
Well I just finished re-shooting my second film at exactly the same primary school - the first version was also shot in Afrikaans. We are now taking our ministry and testimony international.

7. Words you live by! (please share a profound quote or verse you hold dear at this time.)
Practise what you preach. For almost 8 years I ministered all over SA with the Afrikaans version of this film - well little did I know that I had to practice exactly what I preached! It was not easy, l lost 7 kg's in two weeks!


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