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My heart's temperature changed when I first heard ZELRIE's story. I am hungry for real stories about "like-minded" people who want to give and share (with wisdom) what they have. People who want to build a better country and future where there is room for everyone - no matter where they are from. Many people are tired of the violence, that exhausting history analysis and revived old cow. Where are the people who just want to live and let live? People who want to move forward, forget yesterday, and give his fellow man some African sunlight? We are kept so busy with our own rights and fights that we forget about the millions of needy people that surround us.

Aunty Val (Valerie) is a very loving lady that lives in our street. I met her some years ago, when I was still in my teenage years, in fact. (She is one of those ladies that just know how to give proper hugs.) Her heart is love, in abundance, not only for her "here-people" and her own culture, but also the wider community. She is 73, a Granny loved deeply by her family and friends, but she also believes that you are never too old to make a difference in the lives of those who need it.
Aunty Val has a lady that not only helps her in the house, but many other people in our street as a domestic worker, Zelda. She is an amazing woman who gives her best plus that little extra.

Over the years these two woman have become good friends and began exchanging ideas...with hands to the plow, or rather wool, ZELRIE was born! Aunty Val, or rather Granny, as she likes to be called, and Zelda started crocheting and knitting all kinds of lovely things made with lots of love. They sell everything they make at affordable prices, but at the heart of this project is a way to help communities and lift them out of poverty.

"We want to teach people what we do, help them to get an income and be able to support themselves and their families," says Granny Val.


"Unemployment is a problem here and also people who have jobs, but the payment is not enough to carry them through...we have people who are depressed and sitting at home, who have given up - we would like to put something, this wonderful skill, in their hands and teach them to do what we do, and through ZELRIE, be able to make a living."

ZELRIE just needs people to come, just as they are, show up and be willing to learn. They do not have to do any marketing (they will not be paid to learn this skill, only for stock made and sold)

Granny Val tells of a similar project she was previously involved with where these skills helped disadvantaged women. The project was called "HEART to HEART" and it was an outreach initiative through her church. She recalls it being an incredibly satisfying experience and an opportunity to connect with very broken people in our community. While they learned to make something with their hands, Granny Val had a chance to communicate to them how precious, unique and loved they are. This is really where the passion for projects like these started to grow. Due to a shortage of funds this project could not continue. She sat at home and really missed it! One day, while Zelda was working, the two put heads and hearts together and ZELRIE began in September 2016.

From the beginning, things just fell into place and they quickly showed a profit. "We know that we need public involvement to support this initiative - even if it is just people who want to get rid of their excess wool."

Granny Val says she really, really loves Zelda and her hope is to uplift and help Zelda to have a better life. Both of them would like to help others in nearby communities (
Dana Bay, Mossel Bay) that are less-fortunate to work towards a better quality of life!

Are you in this area and you need an income? Are you willing to use your hands and learn how to crochet/knit? OR are you someone who will be able to sell ZELRIE's products and earn a commission on it? Then you are welcome to get involved. Visit ZELRIE's Facebook page to view more of their products, message them via facebook or go to the link below for more information:

What inspires you?

Zelda: Aunty Val. She gives me such inspiration. What she does and how she works at her age... She has given me a wonderful gift, learning to crochet. She was so patient and taught me with so much love.

Valerie: We really compliment each other, because Zelda is a creative woman.

Love is my inspiration!

How would you like to inspire others?

Zelda: Any person, really willing, can do this. I want to inspire people to get involved and to experience the financial relief and self-confidence I have experienced so far.

Valerie: I want people just to be inspired by love and that they will realize that they are valuable, no matter who they are or where they come from. I want to build bridges between all people from different cultures. It is a necessity in our country today.

Support this small business with its big heart! #nationinspiration


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