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Charity Begins at Home - CAMI'S HAPPY HANDS

Camlin Stevens, a 10-year-old girl and learner at Milkwood Primary in Mossel Bay, has brought words to life by taking action. “Sharing is caring, she insists, this is what we pray each day in class.”

Camlin’s mother, Candace, filled us in with a short backstory...

“Out of the blue she came to me one day and said that I must please cancel her birthday party.” Her party was planned for that coming week in August (2016).


“I want us to take that money and rather use it to help the homeless.” Camlin answered

Candace says she was taken aback.

Rightly so. Let’s be honest, how many children (or grownups for that matter) would trade a fun-filled-festive day in honor of themselves to help a stranger? 

Candace and her family members were so proud of Camlin’s selfless decision that they posted statuses on their social media that were shared far and wide. This caught the attention of the well-known radio station in Cape Town, Kfm (LeadSA) and Camlin was invited for an interview, on Ryan’s Breakfast show, only a short while after she decided that she wanted to help the needy. Going on air moved it all up a gear with overwhelming support and donations from listeners, enabling Camlin’s heart for the hopeless to take flight. Since her interview on Kfm, Camlin, with the help of family, friends and community support, have visited and fed various needy people in areas such as 
Powertown, Sonskyn Valley, Asla and Mossel Bay. 
Coffee@Work in Mossel Bay is Camlin’s most faithful contributer. 
Imans Delights, a caterer, also in the area as well as Mikeva, has shown their generous support.

“What inspired you to do this Cami?”

“My grandma and I were watching TV and it was storming outside, we were sitting with thick blankets on the couch and the heater was on. I was eating cookies and watching TV. I started wondering and then asked my grandmother, where do the homeless go to sleep? Don’t they get cold? They sleep with cardboards and stuff…with the wind blowing and the thunder…some of them are raising children…..” This is when I decided to tell my mom to please cancel my birthday party so that we can take that money and help the homeless.”
Candace says Camlin chooses where she wants to go and how the money is spent. She knows about saving and giving, but most of all she loves sharing and has a very bubbly and caring nature. She does her own research and is quite considerate and organized when it comes to the people she plans to visit.

Charity surely starts at home as Candace talks about the strong values her parents (Cami’s grandparents) have embedded into the hearts of their children and their grandchild, Camlin. 

Doesn’t this just show us how regularly building into our children has the potential to set alight a great forest of builders
Cami sparks hope wherever she goes. 

“What do you enjoy most about what you are doing?” 

“Giving to them, she answers, because, as we say in our class every day in our prayers, sharing is caring. It does not take a lot to give to make them happy, but if you do a small little bit, something will come back to you.”

In light of this, it is up to us. A calling for us to get out of the comfortable and to be the change.

You can show your support by donating anything from clothing, food or finances.

If you own a business and would be interested in supporting her on a regular basis, feel free to contact Camlin. Send a Facebook message; her FACEBOOK page: Cami’s Happy Hands

A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.

Follow #NationInspiration
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#NationInspiration aims to inspire people to appreciate their 
uniqueness and to use their talents and gifts. 
“A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” 


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