Fullness is standing on your concrete, cracked porch and simply inviting a conversation of sorts.
Would you have time to get up from your television-tablet-trance? Would you open the door or just give a behind-curtain-glance?
If Poverty has made his home in your house and the much that you had was as little as a louse - Would you keep the door shut when Rich came to town? Would you hold on to rotten when wholesome and fresh was around?
"I'm not worth it.
I'm too dark.
Fullness likes sunshine
and I'm but a spark...
Those things don't happen
to people like us...
When you're too thin,
too fat, too fair in complexion -
too black..."
That's what they say. So that's what you say.
Forever stuck in a system that loves to take.
Sucking your sparkle, trampling your name, shoveling sand down the throat of your passions burning like flames.
You can live anywhere. In a castle or a shack.
If Fullness isn't welcome, get comfortable with Lack.
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