Slaan oor na hoofinhoud

Angus Buchan

1.Thank you and Welcome to NasieInspirasie!
God has made such a wonderful contribution through your life, to South Africans and people across the border. Did you ever imagine, as a young dreamer, your life turning out the way it did? 

The answer is in fact no. I did not think that my life would turn out the way it has, until I started to get my focus correct and that is Jesus Christ first and foremost, then my family and then everything else after that. I really believe as I write this article that God is no respecter of person. He will use anybody who is willing to humble themselves and be obedient to His instructions.

2.You are not only a farmer and preacher, but also a husband, father grandfather and more.
How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as a nobody, whom God used to touch the hearts of men and to bring them back to their responsibilities as Prophet, Priest and King in their homes. To treat their wives with much tender love and to be good mentors to their children.

3. It’s almost like South Africa is going through a spiritual and political climate change. Some people are positive, some people are negative. How, in your opinion, will we be able to move forward (keep it together) as a country?
Well, the answer to that one Riska is very straight forward and it’s found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” If we start getting back to basics and putting God first in this beautiful nation of ours I have no doubt whatsoever that not only will we keep the country together, but that we will move forward as a country.

4. “Work with the ones that listen. Walk with the ones that are faithful”: Do you agree or have a testimony regarding this statement? Please share 

When I think about your statement about work with the ones that listen that is up to the individual to respond to God’s Word. I think of the parable where God sowed the good seed, he sowed it on the road, on the stony places and then in the good land. It yielded a tremendous harvest in the good land, but not in the stony land or on the road. We have a responsibility and that is to tell people the Good News. We need to speak life and not death. We need to stay close to those who are of the same opinion. You know the old saying that goes like this, “You will never see an eagle flying with a flock of turkeys.” We need to get alone, on our own, with God and then we need to connect with people of all different races and of different ethnic groups, but have one thing in common and that is, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Many time we will be very pleasantly surprised, when we tell people about the fact that we are followers of Jesus Christ. I remember the first time on my own farm when I made a decision to open in prayer and scripture reading every morning before we started work, thinking that there will be probably nobody there who would acknowledge Christ. I was however, so pleasantly surprised when all my staff broke out into singing of hymns, sharing the Gospel from their hearts, quoting scripture, and it changed the whole mind-set and paradigm of our farming day. There are many people that love Jesus Christ in this beloved country of ours.

5.What projects/outreaches are you currently involved in?
God has laid on my heart as the days are growing shorter, especially for me that I need to get to as many people as possible and in the most effective way. So we have really engaged in the area of media. I am talking about television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and emails. Although I ‘am not too familiar with all this modern technology I have a wonderful team of young men that do the hard work for me. I tell them the stories and they simply convey them, print them or voice them. I think television particular has become a great flagship for this ministry. We are currently speaking to millions of people all over the world. We are going as far as places like Russia, Poland, Australasia, the Far East, the Middle East, and indeed our beloved Africa. I am also still writing books and I am very excited to tell you that in October Cum Books, Christian Arts will be releasing a devotional Bible with my devotions in it and truly Riska, this will be the absolute highlight of my life, because the Bible means everything to me and I still can’t actually believe it. In fact if I was offered a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth of Britain,it wouldn’t have the same impact that this is going to have on me. To be associated with God’s Word is truly a tremendous honour and privilege. We still have our Children’s Home running and a lot of our children have grown up and have left the home and are starting in their own careers. We have two professional rugby players, one playing for the Sharks under 19’s and the other one playing Sharks under 21’s. We have a Cordon BleuChef just about completing his first year. We have a young forester who is in his first year in Saasveld. We have a young daughter of ours who is studying in Dallas Texas, USA. Another one doing a year of her life with African Enterprise and obviously there are a couple that have disappointed us but we continue to love them and pray for them. I am still very much supporting Mighty Men throughout the world, it is a love that God has given me for men to see them grow up into their full potential. This year we have just started with the Mighty Men in Brazil, South America and of course Mighty Men conferences are all over South Africa. We also have a Mighty Men conference in Yorkshire, England next year and of course the USA have opened their doors for us. We will be speaking in many different states at the end of this year.

6. This last one is not really a question, but rather an ode of thanks to you as a person. Thank you for enduring, for staying strong and faithful to God’s call at all times. You have meant and still mean so much to this country. God Bless you and your family!

Thank you, I am deeply touched by this and feel totally unworthy of it, but we are South Africans, we have no desire to go anywhere else, unless God tells us.

God bless
Angus Buchan


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