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Scott Erickson

SCOTT ERICKSON a.k.a curator of awesomeness is an inspiring Visual Artist, Author and Speaker all the way from Oregon in the U.S.A. He uniquely communicates simple yet thought provoking topics through his work. Here is an interview we had with him recently during our 'LIKE A CHILD' theme:

1. Welcome to NationInspiration. Please tell us about yourself and how you discovered your passion for art/to create?

I don't like this question... I don't like the 'your passion for art'... Look I don't make art because I have...I mean, I care about it, I'm a haunted person. It comes to me, you know? The images and these ideas, they come to me looking for a way into the world and so I am a person who is in a dance to say yes to inspiration... Art is simply just artifacts of people's lives. It is expression of what we are growing in, what we find ourselves in and if fabricating things that are beautiful and wonderful and inspiring or intriguing or true.... it is a way of processing life and I like that aspect of it. Sometimes passion for art just feels like this positive where I am more on the negative, pessimistic side at times.

I live in Portland, Oregon. I am a visual artist, storyteller, author and speaker...all those things.

2. The style of your work is so unique, what's the story, how did you find your rhythm and stick to it?

There's two kinds of artists. There's artists that add to or they take away. I love work that looks like wood block prints, which is a 'take-away' - carving wood, but I am not trained as a painter so I'm an 'add to' artist. So I try to make artwork that looks like 'take-away', but by doing the process of 'adding to'.

3. What Mediums do you enjoy using most?

Painting and pen and ink, speaking and performance art.

4. NationInspiration is all about inspiring people to give what they've got, no matter how small the contribution, it can make a big difference. What and Who inspires you? 

I am inspired by honesty and courage. I am inspired by people who tell the truth and invite us into that truth. I think that creates solidarity and healing and I'm a big fan of that.

I am inspired by comedians like Pete Holmes, Mike Birbiglia, Maria Bamford and anybody who is just figuring out a way to tell the truth and make it funny, that's my favourite.

(A story for you: CLICK HERE)

5. How would you like to impact or inspire your family through the legacy being built through your work? 

I want to be as true to my vocation and calling as I can. I want my kids to see that I did that. Not at the cost of them, but being a dad who is around. They too must do that and I leave a model of them seeing it and going: "I want to work like my dad worked, I wanna find my own thing and figure out how to do that well."

6. Where can we see/find more of your work?

I am SCOTT THE PAINTER on Instagram and my website is

7. NationInspirations's theme currently is, LIKE A CHILD. As fabricated adults we easily lose our wonder, our authenticity and joy. What are the things, in your opinion, we need to do or let go of, to connect with our inner-kid?

Yeah, wonder. Familiarity kills wonder and so you must un-know. When you find yourself bored or 'aaah nothing's going to change or I know all this...'  just simply start going: 'what don't I know...' and deconstruct everything around you, because your mind has made up a narrative of what's going on and it makes it familiar. You need to un-know for everything to be wondrous around you and that gets into the kid-wonderness.

8. Name a few things you enjoy and are thankful for so far on your journey as an artist/creator?

Mmm...that's a good question....
I don't know...I enjoy a good sketch pad with me at all times. I like the new iPad Pro..haha...

As a creator I enjoy the elements of social media, I enjoy being able to connect with other artists. I am not formally trained as an artist so being able to meet other artists and learn and have a community that way has been wonderful.

Interview done by:

Books co-authored by Scott:

Feel free to visit his website and follow him on 
Instagram to view more of his work.

Nobody wants to die with their song still in them.
But few are willing to let what needs to die in order for that song to be born.
- Scott Erickson

a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire #nationinspiration


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