Photo: Drew Graham/Unsplash
But what about the clutter in my heart and mind? Would I get a Google result giving a recipe on how to get rid of past hurts, unforgiveness, loneliness and disappointments in 5 easy steps? I would read that. I would follow their advice diligently and do the work because I need hope that this too can be fixed.
Would it help? For sure. Would it be sustainable? No way. Why? Because your identity and character and belief in yourself are flawed. Humans are flawed. Your spouse who is supposed to validate you is flawed. Your children who are supposed to bring you joy, are flawed. So what then? How then? I surely don't have the perfect answer because I am still far from it, but I do have an opinion. There is only One Perfect Person who can and who wants to validate you and I found His to-do list which works for me every time.
When I realize that I am taking too much time thinking and focusing on my clutter (and believe me when I say these thoughts are very sneaky), I turn it around and use a wise person's advice. Paul gives a few steps in Phil 4:8 (NLT).
1. Focus your thoughts on what is true
Is this God's truth over my life?
2. And honorable
Is this giving honor to my Creator?
3. And right
Am I hurting anyone with this thought, even myself?
4. And pure
Is it according to scripture?
5. And lovely
Is it bringing God joy?
6. And admirable
Will I get a reward for this?
7. Is it excellent
Did I do my best?
8. And is it worthy of praise
Am I pleasing my Father?
If I find any of these not to be true, I start praising God for all the good in my life (and there is plenty to be thankful for). Very soon my spirit starts to lift. Why? Because there is a blessing that goes with this obedience.
Verse 9. Then the God of Peace (the Shalom God) will be with you.
And that peace is what I desire most of all.
written by Charmaine Hurter
downhearted dreamer #staylit
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