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Wys tans plasings vanaf September, 2015

TWEE - Ons gesels met Herman van TWEE

1. Vir iemand wat natuurlike talent het om gevoelens en ervaringe in liedjies om te sit, wat, sou julle sê, inspireer julle musiek die meeste? Ek skryf redelik divers en hou van aktuele temas maar op die ou einde van die dag wen die tema van liefde. Ek kan dus sonder twyfel sê dat liefde my die meeste inspireer om te skryf. 2. Hoe het jul lewens verander van VOOR julle as wenners vir Afri-Visie 2015 aangewys is tot nou? AfriVisie was 'n ongelooflike platform en het vir ons geweldig baie deure oopgemaak. Ons het bv. die naweek by Super Skouspel opgetree wat nooit anders sou gebeur het indien dit nie vir AfriVisie was nie. Verder het dit ons in 'n posisie geplaas waar ons 'n ordentlike album kan opneem wat ons teen die einde van die jaar met julle sal deel. 3. Waaroor is jy passievol? Musiek en mense. En selfs hierdie land van ons asook konsep-ontwikkeling. Ek hou van alleen wees en dink en leer. Maar die grootste passie sal maar altyd musiek bly. Ubuntu is ook 'n voo...

Willie, The Fudge Man - THEN AND NOW

Our interview with Willie done late in 2012 has had a wonderful response so far. So many people have been inspired and touched by his story. I decided to do a follow-up interview with Willie and see how he is currently doing. (If you haven't read his first interview, please follow the link: 1. Willie, welcome back, your story has inspired so many people and has also challenged people to think twice before making assumptions about people. How has your life changed now that many know a little more about you and your life story? My life did not change much concerning the things I do. I noticed a change in people's attitude towards me! I get 'Hallo Willie!' from strangers. Greetings in passing are part of the recognition I enjoy and it uplifts my mood! 2. How would you like to continue inspiring people? I see the inspiration flowing from the clients to me. Lately my walking has deteriorated and their...

Artist: Lionel Smit

1. You grew up in an environment where art is a way of life. When did you discover your own passion for art? I grew up mostly in an environment of sculpture and I think once I discovered painting, it was something I could call my own, and explore. It was at that stage, I really found my passion - I was able to break away from something that was part of my norm. 2. What or Who inspires you? I have been inspired by a variety of artists, throughout my career - ranging from classical to contemporary painting. I think I try to combine everything that inspires me subliminally, into one style - almost like I draw from each stage of my inspirations. I am also inspired by my surroundings and drawing from people and their cultural identities. 3. What mediums do you enjoy working with the most? My preferred mediums are oil on canvas, and sculpturally I prefer clay and plaster of Paris that will be cast into bronze. 4. Here on NasieInspirasie we encourage one another not to wait for things to...

Chris Chameleon

   Foto geneem deur: Jaco Bothma 1. Baie Welkom by NasieInspirasie! :) Hier motiveer ons mekaar om nie te fokus op die dinge wat ons dink ons kort of nie het nie, maar om dit wat ons HET te gebruik en so 'n positiewe verskil te maak. Het jy 'n storie, uit jou eie lewe, waar dit ook jou situasie was?... ek het in 1991 tydens die verfilming van sonkring eendag baie siek geword van slegte hoender. ons het by die mynhope in wemmerpan verfilm en ek moes my kort-kort na die sinkhuisie haas om om verlossing te spook. daar was helaas nie toiletpapier nie, maar gelukkig het ek n koerant byderhand gehad. 2. In die proses van liedjies skryf en dit uitvoer; wat daarvan geniet jy die meeste? die twee is sodanig anders van mekaar dat direkte vergelyking beide kognitief en emosioneel onverantwoordelik sal wees. die lekker ding van liedjies skryf is dat 'n mens kan beitel tot dit reg is. die lekker ding van uitvoering is dat jy nie kan beitel nie en jou foute net daar moet...

TWEE - Ons gesels met Maria van TWEE

1. Vir iemand wat natuurlike talent het om gevoelens en ervaringe in liedjies om te sit, wat, sou julle sê, inspireer julle musiek die meeste? Sjoe, ek dink dit is nie iets wat 'n mens in 'n neutedop kan opsom nie. Herman is ons liedjieskrywer en ek dink dat sy groot inspirasie is maar liefde... Of dit is in elk geval wat ek uit sy musiek uit kry. Hy hou ook daarvan om sosiale kwessies aan te spreek. 2. Hoe het jul lewens verander van VOOR julle as wenners vir Afri-Visie 2015 aangewys is tot nou? Hand-omkeer. Dit is so 'n voorreg om aan so 'n ongelooflik kompetisie te kon deelneem. Ek en Herman sing al vir 'n geruime tyd saam. Voor die kompetisie was ons dieselfde as na die kompetisie, net met 'n baie kleiner gehoor. Nou, na die kompetisie, is daar so baie deure wat oopgemaak is en ons kry die ongelooflikste blootstelling om dit waaraan ons so lank (en hard) aan werk te deel met die mense! 3. Enige stokperdjies?... My koor. Ek is 'n ernstige koor-liefheb...

Liefde is Tuis / Love is Home

STAY ON THE RIGHT COURSE I usually write in Afrikaans but this once I will write in English and you will see why soon.I will also be referencing a lot of songs because that’s just how I’m designed. Worship songs are also the way I remind myself of God’s truths throughout the day and it encourages me. I hope it will encourage you too. Stress is something we can all relate to.  Being stressed almost seems to be the norm these days. When you are under intense stress, you feel strained. Too much is expected from you. You almost feel stretched out too far, like a balloon threatening to burst. You start acting strange. You sometimes struggle with basic things. For example, I am(usually) a very friendly and patient person but stress makes it difficult for me. Our family has been under a lot of stress lately with my husband writing final exams for a five year post graduate degree. (I also experienced intense stress when my mother struggled with cancer and passed away three year...

Creative Cookie - Cake-a-phor #3

“She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake”  - Margot Asquith – Margot Asquith was a British socialite and author, but having grown up in the country side and been allowed to roam free and explore she grew up not being bound by “societies” limits. She was considered a free thinker and often criticized for her outspokenness. I loved this quote from the first time I read it, but having found out a bit about Margot, it seems so much better somehow… Big or small...a lie is a lie is a lie…and I am a very strong believer that the truth ALWAYS comes out. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually it does. And more often than not, the damage and the size of the lie you tell, is amplified the longer it takes to be revealed. Little white lies say so much about the brokenness we live in, doesn’t it? Are we a society where you do not feel safe to tell the truth? Or not a safe place where the truth can be heard? Why is truth not the first instinct when u...


When we as individuals go through a difficult time, the first thing we ask ourselves is:   WHY ME? The only reasoning for this is that we are human. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why not me?  I have. Adoption. Wow what an unacknowledged word, the definition according to Google: “To take on the legal responsibilities as a parent.” My definition of adoption: Individuals opening up their hearts to a precious little soul named me, and loving me unconditionally.  Have you ever thought about the following; maybe you don’t have to give someone life to realize that life gave you them as a gift? And in the days where I’m not sure about what I feel, what my dreams are, or where I belong, I just stare into my Mother and Fathers eyes and smile at the realization that. I might not have their eye color, the straightness of their hair, the dimples on their cheeks but I know that I’ve stolen their hearts. And they have stolen mine! I know ...

Films Worth Watching! - Movie News & Reviews

Unstoppable Initially I was inspired to watch this film as it focuses on the age-old question of WHY BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. If you have suffered tragedy or loss this is a good film to watch. Artistically executed and interesting. While watching this film I also realized that if you watch this film with the incorrect attitude you might miss the hidden beauty communicated in it. This question, in your life, can only really be answered by God himself should you allow Him to. I myself was in a season of being bewildered by tragedy and God was the one who helped me understand parts of the tragedy I experienced. This film just confirmed what God had already communicated and to be honest it has brought a sense of relief in me. So what I am actually saying is, you might not appreciate this film with the depth it was intended with if you haven’t spoken and listened to God first regarding the subject. If Grief or Tragedy has left you stale or bewildered in your walk with God. ...

Nuwe Afrikaanse Film

“Die grootste avontuur van die jaar – 2016” – Hiermee die eerste kykie na Vir Altyd met die vrystelling van die lusmaker-lokprent. Vir Altyd is ’n romantiese avontuurfilm wat deur dieselfde skrywers, vervaardigers en regisseur as Pad na jou Hart gemaak is. Dié span is opgewonde om vanaf 12 Februarie 2016 hul nuwe storie met almal te deel wanneer dit landwyd in fliekteaters begin draai. Die film begin in die mooi wingerde van die Paarl in die Wes-Kaap en die avontuur vat behoorlik vlam op die prag-eiland, Mauritius. Die verfilming in Mauritius was vir die gesoute span ’n hoogtepunt en so het hulle nuwe terreine verken saam met World Leisure Holidays wat die verfilming in Mauritius met ’n filmspan van 40 lede moontlik gemaak het. Op 28 Oktober 2015 word die amptelike lokprent van Vir Altyd vrygestel, maar intussen kan die publiek solank hierdie lusmakertjie geniet. Vir diegene wat nie kan wag om die fliek op die groo...

Waterproof Principle 31 - Waiting

So. If you have been around the blog since it started, you’ll know that I was exploring 30 Waterproof Principles / Life lessons to celebrate before my 30 th Birthday.  (If you weren’t around you are welcome to have a look at the previous archived posts from 2011/2012) The truth today is that I am not 30 anymore…and haven’t been 30 for a while..hehe Early this September I turned 33 and am Thankful for the years God has given me. In thankfulness I see it fitting to document and add 3 principles to the lovely bunch. They are Short. Sweet....and to the point. When I do have a “down-day” I like to dwell on these truths to lift the mood and heart. May He carry you as He does me. Enjoy Principle nr 31, the rest are soon to follow! Much love! iskra Waterproof Principle 31- Wait In our walk with God we WILL get to seasons of waiting.  Waiting for answers. Waiting for breakthroughs… I was in a season of waiting when I trusted God fo...

"Chameleophobia" - deur Anet Garside

Chameleophobia – of daar so iets bestaan of nie, dis die naam wat ek nou net besluit het, sal die naam wees van die fobie waaraan ek ly/gely het. Die vrees vir verkleurmannetjies. Almal wat my ken, weet dat wanneer ek buite naby plantegroei is, my oë voortdurend die plante fynkam opsoek na verkleurmannetjies. Dit was maar nog altyd ‘n gewoonte. Selfs in lande waar daar nie verkleurmannetjies voorkom nie, soek my oë na hulle – ek sien takkies waar ek weet hulle gevind sou word as hulle daar sou wees. Wanneer ons in Suid-Afrika ry, soek my oë hulle op die pad. In die verlede het ek al honderde een-een die pad sien oorsteek in woonbuurte – en wanneer ek gestap het, natuurlik plat verdordes wat voorheen doodgery is. Wat vir ander mense soos blare lyk, is dikwels verkleurmannetjies, maar omdat mense nie op hulle ingestel is nie, registreer dit ook nie op hulle radar nie. Ek het prentjies in my kop soos in ‘n gallery van sekere okasies waar ek hulle gesien het. Byvoorbeeld: ‘n kl...