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Bruce Wilkinson in SA for a month

International ministry leader and award-winning author, Dr Bruce Wilkinson, will visit George and Mossel Bay on 5, 6 and 7 September 2018. It is envisaged that this will be the last time Wilkinson will be touring South Africa to address audiences. The world renowned Teach Every Nation (TEN) was founded by Dr Wilkinson as the culmination of four decades of proven global ministry and training ‘best practices’. 

The Garden Route is looking forward to three opportunities to share in Wilkinson’s wisdom and to take away food for the soul.

The programme during all events will focus on the work of Teach Every Nation and their new Bible on Wheels Project. In conjunction with Siloam Ministries and Africa Skills Private College they will be doing a fundraiser business breakfast and a lunch event in George. Here Wilkinson will lead two sermons on the 6th, followed by a community evening with residents and leaders.

It is safe to say that Dr Wilkinson will undoubtedly inspire audiences during this visit in the Garden Route. He will be the key note speaker at a breakfast that will be hosted for business community at the Oubaai Hotel on 6 September 2018 at 07:30 for 08:00. Funds raised at this event will go towards Bible School on Wheels. Tickets are R450 per person. For more information on this extraordinary event, please contact Elsie Harmse on 076 486 4632.

On the 11th and 12th Wilkinson will have commitments at the Mackouwkuil Campus of Teach Every Nation at Vaalwater before returning to Krugersdorp for planning sessions with the local teams of Teach Every Nation. A fundraiser, pastor’s event and two sermons by Wilkinson on the 16th, are scheduled for Krugersdorp.

Leadership equipment and two fundraiser events will take place at the Vaalwater Campus from Monday 17 to Saturday 22 September. On the Sunday Wilkinson will conduct two sermons and lead a fundraiser luncheon for Bible on Wheels at Vaalwater.

After a well-earned four-day rest he will be leading two more sermons, a pastoral breakfast and a pastor’s fraternal at Siloam Ministries on the East Rand, prior to their departure back to Atlanta on 2 October.

On behalf of Teach Every Nation MEDIA ENQUIRIES, INTERVIEWS & PHOTOS:
Manny Gonsalves-Borreijeirro – / 082 567 3028 Past. Elvis Mvulane – / 073 169 1211 Jan Greyling – / 082 556 8778

More about Bruce Wilkinson:
He was born in New Jersey and graduated from North-eastern Bible College (B.A. and Th. B.). He also studied at the Dallas Theological Seminary (Th. M.) and at the Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (D.D.). Early on, Bruce served as a college professor at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon.

Bruce served as the publisher and executive editor of ten monthly magazines, with more than 120 million copies distributed. He is the author of the outlines of the books of the Bible for the best-selling Open Bible and has served as the executive editor of three Bibles.

In 1976, Bruce launched Walk Thru the Bible. He has trained 100,000 professional teachers in Teaching for Life Change and is a trainer of coaches in the Dream Giver methodology. He launched and led the global initiative WorldTeach, which has recruited and trained more than 30 000 indigenous leaders in 83 nations to conduct life skills courses. Bruce also produced a motion picture about AIDS called Beat the Drum, which has been seen in more than 100 nations and has garnered 30 international awards.

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Wilkinson travelled to Russia to teach in conjunction with the presentation of the Jesus Film. Wilkinson served five years as chairman of CoMission, an innovative education ministry in Russia.

In 2002, Bruce moved with his family to South Africa and started an organization called Dream for Africa. In that, Bruce launched Heart for Africa, which mobilized First World volunteers to plant more than 500 000 backyard vegetable gardens for orphans and the hungry. He also launched a movement to recruit more than 1 000 college students from 11 nations to conduct AIDS training in high schools. He led major tribal and racial and religious reconciliation conferences in Uganda, Namibia and South Africa.

Wilkinson founded Teach Every Nation (TEN) in 2013 as the culmination of four decades of 'best practices' learned from his teaching, training, and international leadership and ministry. TEN was formed to provide "innovative, practical and culturally relevant training" for pastors and leaders in the Global South (e.g. areas of Africa, Asia, and South/Central America). Training is provided through technology such as satellite simulcasts, as well as in-person courses on TEN's 2,500-acre training campus located on a wild animal reserve in the Waterberg Biosphere of northern South Africa and now also with the Bible on Wheels Project. Tens of thousands of TEN students have been trained in 100 nations. Training is done in English, French, Portuguese, Arabic and Persian languages.

Known for his expertise in fundraising principles as well as his public speaking skills, Wilkinson has raised over $300,000,000 for other ministries, including colleges, seminaries, mission groups, Bible distribution, evangelism, orphan work, food distribution and more. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of The Exponential Group.

Books by Bruce Wilkinson include:

Victory Over Temptation

Walk through the Bible

Youthwalk Again

The Wilkinson & Boa Bible Handbook

Talk Through the Bible

Talk Through the Old Testament

Talk Through the New Testament

Talk Through Bible Personalities

7 Laws of the Learner

Almost Every Answer for Practically Any Teacher (Gold Medallion Winner)

Personal Holiness in Times of Temptation

Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs (based on his “The Three Chairs” seminar)

30 Days to Spiritual Breakthroughs

The Prayer of Jabez (October 2000)

Living the Jabez Miracle

The Prayer of Jabez for Young Hearts

The Prayer of Jabez for Little Ones (with Melody Carlson)

The Prayer of Jabez for Kids (with Melody Carlson)

Secrets of the Vine (October 2001)

Secrets of the Vine for Little Ones

Secrets of the Vine for Kids

Secrets of the Vine for Teens

A Life God Rewards

A Life God Rewards for Teens

A Life God Rewards for Kids

Set Apart

30 Days to Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver for Parents

Beyond Jabez

You Were Born for This

The Freedom Factor

a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire


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