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Kwanonqaba Youth

New Computer Centre for Kwanonqaba Youth 

Kwanonqaba, Mossel Bay -  An all-new eViwe Community Centre was developed by Edengro (Pty) Ltd. eViwe Aftercare, Toy Library and Eskom Computer Centre for literacy, graphic design exposure and education continued from Monday 30 July, even though the official opening was cancelled due to unrest and protests in the area.

The eViwe Centre is situated at the Kwanonqaba Beehive, 16 Sithela Street, Kwanonqaba.

A skills training partnership between Edengro (Pty) Ltd and Africa Skills Village Private College (ASVPC), the accredited Apprenticeship Training and Testing Centre in George, has also been announced.

According to Elsie Harmse, MD of ASVPC the eViwe Community Centre serves as a skills training awareness incubator, creating a path for future learning for youngsters. “This facility is a breakthrough for youth education and training in the region. The eViwe Community Centre is the result of a life-changing dream and hard work of Community Developer, Bongani Swartbooi and his team,” says Harmse.

According to the last national Census Kwanonqaba in the Eden District consists of more than 9 000 households and a population of about 30 000. 53.19% of residents speak isiXhosa and almost 35% are Afrikaans speaking.

The computer center features 12 workstations for computer and internet training and five for training in graphic design. These have been made possible by a donation from Eskom Foundation towards a server, computer lab, Software, office equipment, maths and science handbooks and educational toys for the toy library.

“What happens at eViwe completely aligns with Eskom’s CSI initiative to support youth education with a focus on Science and Mathematics”, says Liz Dekker, Social & Economic Development Practitioner on behalf of Eskom Foundation.

“This facility and our computer center with wi-fi access is the core of progressive training and international interaction for the youth of Kwanonqaba. It creates a solid education and learning foundation for our children intend to expand to an Edu Business Incubator for Local SMME’s and this can be possible with the support of Public and Private Business.,” says Swartbooi.

The eViwe Toy Library and After Care have been established in August 2016 by Edengro. The focus is on Early Childhood Development and skills development by hand to eye coordination, sharing, building, reading, basic writing and basic mathematics. All eViwe education is supported with educational toys from the eViwe Toy Library. These include puzzles, blocks, dolls, reading and counting toys and younger children are assisted by high school learners. 

Currently 70 children between the ages of two and seven are cared for daily between 13h00 and 16h00. Since March 2018 these numbers doubled from the earlier 350 -400 per month to between 700 and 800. Homework assistance also comprise special attention to mathematics, science, writing skills, spelling, art and free play e.g.: rope skipping, netball, soccer and hockey.

The eViwe Community Centre education and training intend to unlock an early awareness of the economic and personal value of apprenticeships, skills and new venture creation related to artisan trades, driving school, placement and development of Local SMME’s.

Contact eViwe Community Centre: / 071 003 0101. Information about skills training certified by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO): / 044 884 0791.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES, INTERVIEWS & PHOTOS: Jan Greyling on 082 556 8778 /

a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire


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