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Kanasashi Tattoos

Bradly Kanasashi is a Tattoo Artist from Cape Town. Carefully respecting life, people and the unique stories each one has to share. His passion is set alight by being able to create and do what he does best; tattooing and painting.

1. Please tell our readers a bit more about yourself? 

I was born and raised in Manenberg. I was raised by my mother and grandmother. Not having much money, furthering my education was not an option. I then had to build myself up and got a regular job in the printing industry. I was employed there for 4 years. This path led me to become self employed where I grew as an individual for 16 years. I later discovered my passion and tattooing became my way of expression. I have been a tattoo artist for 10 years. With art always being the driving force in everything I have done, it was no surprise that painting would soon capture my way of expression. In the last 2 years, I have created works of art which did not require a needle. I have aspirations to take not only tattooing, but creating through paint, to a whole new level.

2. Why are you a tattoo artist and how did you get into the profession?

I always loved art and even as a child I would sit with coloring books and teach myself to draw. I fell in love with tattoos even before I started tattooing. I was lucky enough to get an apprenticeship, ironically, from the man that gave me my first tattoo, Guy Flemmer. He passed away more than 5 years ago. Till this day, I will always be thankful to him.

3. As a man of faith, how do you see yourself and the role you play as a tattoo artist, in light of this? 

My faith plays a big part in what I do. Last year, on the 12th April 2017, my wife and I were baptized. 
I see myself as more spiritual than religious, as we are all human and we still make mistakes on a daily basis. The process of tattooing to me is a very intimate, spiritual experience as I deal with different people and all of them have their own special stories which I feel honored just to be part of, at that moment.

4. What other tattoo artists are you inspired by?

There are a lot of tattoo artists that inspire me (too many to mention).
In the same breath, I feel that we have our own identities and it is important, in my humble opinion, to follow your own path. I can honestly say that I am my own worst critic and admittedly I know I am very hard on myself.  I guess this will never end. I feel as if I have only started tattooing yesterday, so I have so much to learn.

5. How would you like to inspire others/be remembered for (legacy)?

First and foremost, I feel that honesty is the cornerstone to any business, no matter what you do. I will forever give all of me in whatever tattoo I do, no matter how big or small.

6. Tell me about your own tattoos. What are some of the meanings behind them?

I have a few portraits tattooed on me, portraits of my two children and my tattoo mentor, Guy Flemmer, so I guess it personifies my unconditional love.
But even one of my smallest tattoos means the world to me as my wife has the same identical one. I have to be honest though, as time passed I purely got tattooed for the love of the not all my tattoos have meanings, I see it as 'why not get a tattoo because it looks beautiful?!'

7. Have you ever done any of your own tattoos yourself?

My very first tattoo I did was on myself during my apprenticeship years (a Japanese symbol).

8. What is the weirdest tattoo you have ever done for someone?

I've done a small skull inside the ear lobe and did a smiley face inside a bottom lip.

9. Our theme for Aug/Sept is; “What will you do?” - if you knew that the whole universe was backing you up in support, what different choices would you make? Are you living your dream or at least confidently moving in the flow and direction of what you believe you were created to do? 

I definitely count myself lucky in what I do. My answer to 'what is the purpose of life' is basically living your passion, I could easily say that all I have is art, my tattooing and painting is all I have, it's like breathing. 

10. Do you have a special quote/verse/poem/thought that you hold dear at this time?

I believe that whatever decisions you make in life, if it is done with a PURE heart it can never be wrong. Unfortunately wisdom is attained by bad experiences (I mean this in a completely positive way).

To view more of his work give Bradly a like/follow by clicking on these links:

Facebook Pages:
Kanasashi Tattoo Shop
Paintings By Kanasashi
Instagram @tattoosbykanasashi

Kanasashi Tattoos
86 Victoria Rd
Southfield (opposite Chilli Bar)
0722135072 / 0217053112

Coffeeshop Newsmag Cover Art

a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire


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